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Save Money by Converting from Oil to Gas Heating

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Save Money by Converting from Oil to Gas Heating: Here’s How


gasIf you have an aging, oil-fired heating system and are dreading the day you’ll need to replace or service your heating system, you may want to explore converting from oil to gas; heating your Home with a cleaner, more fuel-efficient system will shrink your energy bill in the process.

Converting from oil to gas is an increasingly common move, especially in the Northeast, where more homes are heated with oil than in the rest of the country. Here are some of the many factors to consider when deciding which heating source is best for your home:

Converting from Oil to Gas Heat Saves Money

The numbers don’t lie. Heating your home with natural gas is cheaper than heating with oil. But comparing the current market price for the various fuel sources won’t tell the whole story; after all, oil and propane are measured in gallons and gas is measured in therms.

To accurately examine the cost of fuels based on the heat content they generate, the U.S. Energy Information Administration recommends using this formula—cost per million British thermal units (BTU). In states like New Hampshire, Michigan and Massachusetts, natural gas is the clear winner, according to this comparison provided by the N.H. Office of Energy and Planning, which details the average price per million BTU for gas, oil, propane and other fuel sources.

Natural Gas – $9.88 per million BTU

Fuel Oil – $19.85 per million BTU

Propane – $39.64 per million BTU

Average residential energy bills are much lower for households heating with natural gas, according to this 2016-2017 winter heating bill data from the Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.

RelatedLooking to Save? Here’s How to Find the Best HVAC Company

Estimated Average Residential Winter Heating Bills for 2016-17

Natural Gas – $728

Fuel Oil – $2,171

Propane – $2,176

Homeowners who heat with gas are also less vulnerable to price swings. This is at least partly because a greater percentage of natural gas used in the U.S. is produced domestically, while we remain much more dependent on petroleum-producing nations for our oil supply.

Switching from oil to gas can also produce savings because gas furnace systems generally cost less than their oil-burning counterparts. Because oil burns hotter, the furnace must be built from more robust materials to withstand the heat.

Heating with Gas is Cleaner Than Heating with Oil

Taking steps to reduce your impact on the environment is an increasingly important consideration for many people. There are also financial savings to be realized by converting to a cleaner-burning system.

For example, because heating with oil produces more carbon buildup than gas, having the system regularly cleaned is essential for safety as well as efficiency reasons. Studies have shown that a buildup of 1/16 of an inch of soot can decrease overall system efficiency by 7-8 percent.

The need to regularly replace oil filters also adds to annual maintenance costs, which can be as much as two to three times higher than for gas heating systems.

Does Your Home Have Access to Natural Gas?

To reap the potential benefits of switching from oil to natural gas heat, you’ll obviously need to have access to the supply. Is there a nearby gas main? If not, are there plans to expand into your area?

If you do have access, you’ll need to contact your natural gas distributor to discuss running a line from the nearest gas main to your home and installing a meter to measure your usage for billing purposes. If not, contacting your area’s natural gas provider will enable you to determine if there are plans to expand access to your location.

The expenses involved in getting your home connected can vary. The utility may perform this function at little or no cost for homes that are relatively close to the nearest pipeline (after all, they want your business). However, if you live at the end of a long driveway or in an area that might present excavation challenges, the charge to get you hooked up can be fairly significant.

If you do decide to convert from oil to gas, remember that the utility isn’t going to dig into frozen ground to run a line to your house in the middle of winter; plus, they may be booked up in the fall, so spring and summer can be a better time to schedule that work.

For homes that do not currently enjoy access to natural gas, propane can be another option that burns cleaner than oil. However, because it is a more expensive fuel source (cost per million BTU) than both gas and oil, saving money on your energy bill is not generally a motivation for making the switch to propane.

One More Good Reason for Converting to Natural Gas

One additional quality-of-life consideration is that heating with oil requires you to have one or more unwieldy oil tanks, usually located in your basement. These tanks deteriorate over time, potentially causing a safety hazard. Plus, they produce odor and grime.

Many homeowners find that getting rid of those bulky fuel tanks creates an opportunity to make better use of your basement space for tool shops, laundry areas or family playrooms.

When you’re considering making the switch from heating with oil to heating with gas, start by getting some expert advice from a trusted home heating contractor who can conduct a thorough analysis of your home’s existing system and thermal design, and then have an in-depth conversation about your objectives and options.

Tom Stachler is a licensed Real Estate Broker and Builder serving the Michigan Real Estate Market and specializing in the Ann Arbor, Saline and surround areas for residential and commercial real estate.  Check out the All MLS Links above for property for sale or contact us at 734-996-0000 when convenient.  

Improving the Indoor Environment of your Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Achieving a Near Perfect Indoor Environment for Your Home


air qualityAchieving the ideal indoor environment involves managing quite a few elements within the home. In addition to keeping you and your family comfortable, the right indoor air system regulates circulation and can keep allergens, various pests and irritants away from you, your family and your guests.

Though many homeowners want to achieve the perfect home environment, short of living in a sterile lab, the perfect indoor environment doesn’t exist. Fortunately, there are a number of technologies available today that make it easy to achieve near perfect conditions that let you live in comfort.

What Does Near Perfect Indoor Environment Involve?

When it comes to indoor environmental quality, there are a number of factors involved. Interior factors taken into consideration when constructing a home involve lighting, external sound or vibrations, and air quality and temperature.

Given these factors, what should homeowners ultimately expect? For one, lighting should provide the right balance of natural and artificial ambiance for desired tasks. Interior illumination has taken a major step forward by covering a wide spectrum of light ranges that work with the body’s natural daily rhythms.

Second, sound dampening insulation should not only minimize noise pollution from the outside, it should also include activities from adjacent rooms.

Finally, the central air conditioning unit should provide a level of air quality that is pure and free from harmful pollutants, toxicants and contaminants.

As homeowners and/or their family members spend most of their time at home, air quality becomes a necessity to a good home life.

The Importance of Air Quality

The importance of indoor air quality cannot be overstated, especially in the cases of people with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory diseases. Poor indoor air quality can have significant negative effects on one’s health. Ozone and particulates can worsen respiratory conditions, trigger asthma attacks and cause allergic reactions.

Multiple studies reinforce the impact of air quality on health. The National Institutes for Health concluded significant causal relationships between dust mites and cat allergens and asthma, for example. A 2014 study by the World Health Organization reported 7 million premature deaths annually from poor air quality.

How Can Homeowners Improve Air Quality?

Fortunately, there are a number of appliances and technologies that can help to improve indoor environmental quality. Each of these can have a significant impact on air quality in your home.

Smart Thermostat: These programmable devices let you cool or heat your home remotely via a smartphone, tablet or desktop. These devices let you save energy and adjust the temperature while you are en route home from work, for example. Some models even can detect outdoor allergens and adjust accordingly.

Air Purifiers: By cleaning the air, a purifier helps to eliminate dust, pollen and bacteria, all of which can trigger allergies. When the purifier uses a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter, a purifier can dramatically improve air quality.

Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers: Dryer air can irritate nasal passages and the lungs while moist air can harbor bacteria and mold. Keeping the humidity levels regulated is important to keep the indoor air healthy.

By regulating your environment in the areas of sound, light and air, that near perfect indoor environment is now within reach of each and every homeowner.

Tom Stachler is a licensed builder and broker providing quality realty service in the Ann Arbor, Saline and surrounding Michigan real estate markets.  Please click on the ALL MLS Links above or other info sources and contact us today with any questions.  

The Best Cities for Retirees to Call Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team
Ask any retiree what mattered most in their search for a new home, and most will tell you location. A recent study by WalletHub ranked the top locations for soon-to-be retirees, weighing cost of living, health care, quality of life and recreation—and in a not-so-unexpected twist, the top three locations in the ranking were all within the Sunshine State:
  1. Orlando, Fla.
  2. Tampa, Fla.
  3. Miami, Fla.
  4. Scottsdale, Ariz.
  5. Atlanta, Ga.

Several other cities outside of the top five were named ideal for retirees, as well. Laredo, Texas was ranked No. 1 based on cost of in-home care and cost of living, while Plano, Texas, and Grand Prairie, Texas, were ranked No.1 and No. 3, respectively, in most employed retirees. (Many people of retirement age are simply forced to keep working due to a lack of savings, according to WalletHub.) Some sprawling metropolitan areas are suited for retirees seeking an active lifestyle; Washington, D.C., for instance, is tied for first for the most museums and senior centers per capita.

When it comes solely to weather, however, California cannot be beat: Glendale, Riverside and Bakersfield ranked in the top three for “mild weather,” followed by Scottsdale, Ariz., and Henderson, Nev.

Of course retirement anywhere is a joy and who is to say you can't split it between downtown Ann Arbor in the summer months and someplace warm in the winter.  Or maybe Harbour Springs or Charlevoix up north in the summer is great and a warmer climate in the winter?  

Tom Stachler is a licensed real estate broker and builder living and helping people with their realty needs for over 25 years now.  Looking for something in a retirement condo in the Ann Arbor, Saline or surrounding Michigan areas?  Contact us today or check out the All MLS listings link up top which is just a few of the helpful Links and services Tom can provide.

Adding Secret Spaces to your Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Adding Secret Space to your Home

For decades, characters like Batman and James Bond have popularized hidden doors and clandestine passageways. Many homeowners have followed suit, adding secret areas to store valuables, provide a safe place in an emergency or create a fun playroom. Could a hidden feature make you feel safer, secure your possessions better or add to your home's appeal?

Conceal a Room With Books
Sometimes the best part of a bookcase isn't what's on the shelves but what's behind it. These large structures create the perfect veil for a secret door to an undisclosed room. An architect can help you work with the space you have and figure out the details, like which direction a door should swing.

Secure Valuables in an Inconspicuous Safe
A safe is an excellent option for storing and protecting assets like jewelry, passports and cash. But if leaving it in plain sight feels too vulnerable, try concealing it entirely. A wall cutout behind a picture frame, cabinet or mirror makes for an ideal hideaway.

Make a Stealthy Escape
Want an inconspicuous escape route? Consider installing an underground passage with a secret switch to activate it. For example, chess pieces moved into a specific position or a particular book pulled from a shelf can reveal the opening. You can also choose from biometric authentication such as a fingerprint or eye scanner.

You don't have to be a superhero or a secret service agent to enjoy hidden spaces in your home. No matter what you have to hide, a secret room or passage can keep it concealed.

Tom Stachler is a licensed Real Estate Broker and Builder working in the Saline and Ann Arbor Areas communities in Michigan.  Check out the Links above to search for real estate for sale or new listings and other realty related information .  Please contact us today for further assistance at 734-996-0000

Dive In Movie Ideas

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Have a Pool?  

Put it to use with Dive In Movie Parties for Adults or Kids.  Watch the video below for more Ideas.  

Tom Stachler is a Licensed Real Estate Broker and Builder in the Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan area markets.  Check out the helpful Links above for more resources or information.  

6 Ways to Keep Your Appliances and HVAC Running Strong

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team



Most people enjoy summertime, but it can take a toll on Home appliances. With kids out of school, families typically use them more frequently and the heat and humidity forces them to work harder and longer. Extreme heat, summer storms and power outages can also damage appliances. All these factors can spell trouble if you’re not performing routine maintenance.

Here are six expert tips to keep your appliances and home running strong this summer:

  1. Clean your refrigerator’s condenser coils. Condenser coils help the refrigerator stay cool by releasing heat from the compressor. Dirty coils result in the refrigerator having to work harder to cool, which can result in expensive cooling system repairs.

Clean the condenser coils at least twice a year, removing dirt, pet hair, food and more. If you have an older fridge, the coils might be painted black and mounted on the back. Newer refrigerators often have the condenser coils on the bottom. It’s easy to clean them with a vacuum and a coil brush, available through

  1. Clean the gasket with a mild cleaner and then check the seal integrity with a solution of soapy water (just like you would do with an inflatable mattress). You can also use the dollar bill approach—close a dollar bill in the door so that it is only halfway in the fridge. If your gasket isn’t tight enough, it won’t hold the bill firmly in place. If the dollar bill falls out or slides down, look at scheduling a professional to replace the gasket.Clean and inspect your refrigerator’s door gaskets. A leaky door gasket, the rubber strip that runs alongside the door to form an air-tight seal with the fridge, can result in your refrigerator trying to cool the entire kitchen rather than the food and drinks inside.
  1. Change the air filters in your HVAC system. Homeowners should regularly change their air filters, as dirty ones can lead to increased energy bills and damage systems. Experts recommend changing air filters every three months at minimum and monthly during the summer if they are dirty.
  1. Clear away debris and clean HVAC condenser coils. Condenser coils release the heat from the AC unit to the outside. Dirty coils can reduce the unit’s ability to cool your home, forcing you to run it longer and use more energy.

To clean, you’ll need a garden hose, a spray nozzle and a water source. Before you begin, disconnect the power to the air conditioner. Most AC units have a shutoff box nearby. If there’s no shutoff box, find the circuit breaker in the home that controls the AC unit and turn the power off.

First, clear away debris and trim any overgrown grass or weeds near the AC unit. There is no reason to remove covers or fins from the air conditioner to clean the coils. Simply take a garden hose with a spray nozzle and wash the fins, (the outside of the AC unit) with regular water. Start with the top and work downward, washing away debris and blockage so the coils can release heat efficiently.

  1. If the automatic cycle isn’t fully drying your clothes, you should clean the moisture sensors with soap and water to remove the chemical residue left behind from dryer sheets. This residue can build up and trick the sensors into thinking your clothes are dry prematurely. Moisture sensors are thin strips typically located near the dryer vent.’Clean the dryer lint trap and moisture sensors. Our expert technicians recommend you clean the dryer lint trap after every single load to ensure your machine is drying clothes as quickly as possible, which will save you time and energy. Periodically, use a dryer lint brush to dislodge and remove any lint that the screen didn’t catch and clean up with a vacuum. Every six months or so, remove and wash the lint screen to remove build up, especially if you use dryer sheets.
  1. Clean and inspect your gas grill. With outdoor entertaining season here, now is a great time to make sure your gas grill is in working order. Make sure the gas is off, check the manual for how to remove the burners, then brush out the grill’s interior and burner ports with a wire brush designed for grills. When you start up the grill, let it burn for five to 10 minutes before using. Use cooking spray on the burners to prevent rust and tarnish and to keep food from sticking.

Before using your grill, you should also check for a tight seal and for leaks and cracks in the hose going to the propane tank or natural gas supply line. Use soapy water to detect leaks. If bubbles start to form, there’s a leak. If there’s a leak, replace it, as this can be a fire hazard.

Most homeowners are comfortable performing these routine maintenance tasks. If you don’t have time or want to maintain your appliances, check our recommended contractors list for an HVAC contractor.  


Tom Stachler is a licensed Michigan Builder and Broker helping families with their real estate needs in and around the Ann Arbor and Saline home and condo realty markets.  Contact us today for more information and feel free to use the handy Links above for immediate assistance.

Diane Keaton’s Restored Oceanside Getaway -Home Flipper

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Now up for grabs: one of Diane Keaton’s early restoration projects, a Laguna Beach house steps from the sand, with views of the Pacific Ocean, beach and rugged cliffs. Built in 1928 for the J. Roy Smith orange tree groves family, when the idea of having a beach house was coming of age in California, there were many excellent lots from which to choose. The Smiths chose a bluff overlooking the wide beach of Shaw’s Cove, which afforded protection from storm waves and an expansive view. The Home was built in the Mediterranean Revival style with stucco, decorative Spanish tile accents, wood beams, carved doors, ironwork and terraces surrounded by lush plantings and an outdoor fireplace to toast one’s toes on chilly evenings.

At 71, Keaton has not slowed down. In addition to having written three books, she is well-known for her photography. The mother of two adopted children, she also owns her own wine company, The Keaton. In her spare time, she is a home flipper with a long history of Buying, remodeling and selling houses in enviable locations—houses that exude as much charm as the woman herself.

Keaton is one of a number of Hollywood celebrities including Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Aniston and Meg Ryan who collect and sell homes as a side gig. No stranger to building restoration, Keaton watched her father do the same for most of her childhood. In 2004, Keaton bought the beach house for $7.5 million and worked her magic in the restoration, preserving and accentuating its fine original details. Taking two years to complete, she sold the 4,158-square-foot, four-bedroom, six-bath house in 2006 for $12.75 million. The space recently went back on the market impeccably maintained, with the same staggering views through the receding oceanfront glass walls that open the living and dining rooms to the trade winds. The wide sand beach at the bottom of the private stairs has the rarity of a water toy garage for kayaks and paddle boards.

Listed by: Hanz Radlein, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties and Michael Johnson, Villa Real Estate
Listed for: $15.989 million

Tom Stachler is a located in the Ann Arbor and Saline Real Estate markets and a long time Michigan Broker and Builder.  Contact our team if you require assistance with purchasing or selling your home.  

Luxury Homes: How to Tell if You’re Getting a Fair Price

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Luxury Homes: How to Tell if You’re Getting a Fair Price


Expensive Real Estate, How to Tell if You are Getting a Fair Price on a Luxury Home

By Anica Oaks

Buying a luxury Home isn’t as straightforward a process as one might think. This market has a lot more variables when it comes to each property, making it difficult to establish an exact market value on a home. That being the case, buyers may wonder if they’re getting a fair price on a luxury piece of property. If you’re in the expensive real estate market, here are some steps to take to ensure that the price for your home is fair.


It should be said that comparing two luxury homes isn’t the same as comparing other types of real estate. When you buy a “normal” home, your REALTOR® will look at similar homes in the area, keeping in mind the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. However, luxury homes aren’t built with that in mind. When you compare these types of homes, you may want to look at features like great views (if it’s a penthouse), privacy, sports features, etc. This gives you an idea of what’s on the market.

Know What You’re Looking For

Once you’ve looked at a couple of properties and have had a chance to compare them, you should be able to develop a “must-have” list. Think about your financing options as well. All of these will become a factor once you’re ready to buy.

Hire an Expert

Like any other profession, the real estate market has professionals that specialize in high-end homes in certain areas. These REALTORS® know what properties in the area are going for and how to find good deals.

Additionally, quality real estate professionals can tell you what types of transportation amenities are in the area. This is especially important if you’re moving into an area that’s very different from your current location. Hiring someone who knows how the flow of a geographic area works will be better able to steer you toward a good location.

Timing and Motivation

Once you’ve done the first three steps, you’ll finally want to start narrowing down the properties you’re looking at. It’s at this time that you’ll be able to make an offer on a home and more importantly, hopefully, get it at a fair price. 

Luxury homebuyers should consider the timing of their purchase. They may be able to get a better deal on a home in the winter than in the summer. The same can be said for homes that go up for sale at the end of the year. These homeowners may want to get rid of the property by year’s end for tax purposes.

Additionally, you may also be able to secure their luxury home at a reasonable price if the seller is motivated to sell. But be warned. Homes priced to sell go fast, in sometimes as little as two weeks. If you find a luxury home at an excellent price, be sure to ask your real estate professional to make an offer on it.

Buying luxury real estate at a good and fair price is a process. You should start by doing some research and by hiring a real estate professional who specializes in the luxury market. From there, compare the different homes on the market. Finally, once it comes time to buy the home, look for a motivated seller. This factor, combined with all of the previous work you’ve done, will help ensure that you’ve gotten the best price for your new place.

Tom Stachler is a Michigan Licensed Builder and Broker serving the Ann Arbor, Saline and surrounding real estate communities.  Please check out the ALL MLS listings for a list of Active status homes and condos for sale.  

Are Shipping Containers the Future of Swimming Pools?

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Are Shipping Containers the Future of Swimming Pools?


Interesting Idea: One Canadian couple is making a splash transforming shipping containers into backyard swimming pools. (We always knew those shipping containers were universal!)

Paul and Denise Rathnam launched Modpools earlier this year and the idea has taken off, with orders mostly coming from the hottest locales in North America, particularly California, Nevada, Texas and Florida.

“The traditional pool is a symbol of excess and waste. This is a little more modern, more modest. We’re repurposing something rather than recycling. This pool can be resold, and you can take it with you if you move," Paul Rathnam told Vancouver Sun.

It's an interesting concept, for sure, and the design, once installed, looks pretty slick. It's as if your backyard was always destined to house a shipping container.

The standard size Modpool is eight feet wide by 20 feet long, and just over five feet deep. It also comes with a clear, acrylic window on one side, which is actually a pretty spiffy design element. Customers can opt to add another acrylic window on the other side for a see-through look if they want one.

In Canada, after delivery, a Modpool will cost you $35,000 plus tax, which could be a cheaper alternative for families planning on installing an in-ground swimming hole.

Tom Stachler is a Michigan Licensed Builder and Broker serving the Ann Arbor, Saline and surrounding real estate communities.  Please check out the ALL MLS listings for a list of Active status homes and condos for sale. 

5 Cities Millennials are Flocking To

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

5 Cities Millennials are Flocking To

There are several places in the U.S. where millennials can be found due to the high employment rates and beautiful settings. For adults who are in their 20s and 30s, there are several places where it's smart to invest. When you're looking to move, these are a few cities that millennials are flocking to throughout the country.

Salt Lake City, Utah 


The high job growth in Salt Lake City makes it a desirable place for young adults to live as they look to obtain steady employment. The city is affordable to live in and has a median Home price of $233,000 with job growth of 2.4 percent. Salt Lake City also has a lower unemployment rate compared to other markets throughout the U.S. with 2.9 percent, which is below the national average by a few points.

Seattle, Wash.


Seattle is considered to be a hot spot for millennials, which make up 24.1 percent of the population. Its busy nightlife scene and generous median incomes of $67,000 make it an ideal place to live for younger generations. It also boasts a job growth rate of 10.8 percent. The beautiful views of the water and the long list of activities and attractions in the area are additional reasons that many millennials relocate to the city.

Austin, Texas


Millennials are drawn to Austin for its real estate market, which includes homes that have a median price of $226,000. The job growth is also 4.2 percent, and it's the second top city in the country for the number of jobs that are becoming available. Some of the top companies that are run out of Austin include Dell, Apple, and Google, making it known as "Silicon Hills." The average median income is also $58,932, which allows many young adults to afford to purchase their first home.

There's also a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, making the city desirable for millennials who make green practices a priority. Austin is also known for selling more renewable energy than other nations.

Charlotte, N.C.


Charlotte is one of the best places to live in North Carolina with 14 percent of the population between the ages of 25 and 34. Many of the youth are post-college graduates who have relocated to the city to seek employment and purchase a home in a neighborhood that has a suburban family profile. The draw of millennials is also causing many companies to relocate their headquarters to Charlotte in hopes of hiring talented employees.

Dallas, Texas


Dallas continues to grow each year and attract young out-of-towners due to its job growth rate of 3.9 percent and median Home Price of $175,000. The big city boasts plenty of shopping opportunities and attractions for those who want to stay busy without spending a lot to live close to the downtown area. The city hasn't attempted to control ride sharing, and many places are also easy to access by walking. There are also neighboring cities that are affordable to live in for those who don't mind commuting to work.

Tom Stachler is one of the Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan's leading real estate brokers with over 25 years of experience in the Ann Arbor and surrounding areas.  Check out the MLS Listings link above for a list of thousands of real estate listings for sale in Michigan.

Displaying blog entries 111-120 of 279


