Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 131-140 of 279

She Sheds ideas for the Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

The best refuge might be waiting in your backyard. That special room may be a she shed.

A distinctly female counterpoint to macho man caves, she sheds are springing up worldwide.

Kotite spent almost a year studying the phenomenon—as well as building a she shed for her sister—for her new book She Sheds: A Room of Your Own.“There are many in California, but I also found them in Australia, the United Kingdom, all over,” says author Erica Kotit e, a Home and lifestyle expert.

“Women see them and…you can almost see the mental calculations they’re making as they imagine where they could put one in their yard,” Kotite says.

“It’s almost like a grown-up playhouse,” Kotite says. “It’s your space, and you can do whatever you want with it. It’s a combination of privacy and permission. You can set boundaries.”Part of the appeal is cost. She sheds allow for expanding living space without adding an actual room. That makes them particularly attractive in California, where housing prices are high and space often scarce.

Kotite featured more than 35 examples in She Sheds. “My favorite was in San Luis Obispo on a crest overlooking Central California,” she says. “It was simple, but it had everything; a really pretty chandelier, a day bed and that view. All (the creator) really uses it for is to rest and look at photos of her grandchildren. But it gives her a place to relax, her own personal retreat, and it’s just glorious.”

“By definition, it’s some sort of outbuilding, not attached to the house,” Kotite explains. “Normally, it would have been utilitarian storage space for tools or garden supplies, that sort of thing, that’s transformed into a woman’s space.”What makes a she shed?

Instead of storage, sheds become dedicated to something of particular interest to the woman of the house, she says. For example, Sonoma jewelry and clothing maker Anne Freund needed space to work on her jewelry and sew. By adding electricity and lighting, she turned a small wooden tool shed into her private studio.

“She lived in a small house and wanted a studio,” says Kotite. “She created her own boho she shed with a lot of repurposed finds including a wonderful chandelier and a lot of lace. She used old printer drawers to store beads and brooches. The overall result was very pretty, very Northern California and very cool.”

A she shed can give creative women room to work, Kotite notes.

“Painting, sewing, crafts; it involves a lot of stuff,” she says. “A she shed gives you the freedom to make a mess and leave stuff out, instead of constantly pulling stuff out and putting it away.”

The most popular use: gardening room.

“What I find interesting: Smart companies are helping people build these things,” Kotite says. “They’re capitalizing on a great niche.”

Charlotte Owendyk of Roseville created her “Tulip House” from a pre-fab kit, bought online from Summerwood of Canada.

“It is a special hideaway for me,” says Owendyk, a retired state worker and lifelong gardener. “It is even better than I had anticipated. I store all my garden tools in the shed, but I also have a desk where I can work. I will sit at my desk with my computer or garden journal. It is one of my favorite places to work. I am surrounded by the garden, and I love listening to the birds sing.”

Her gardening friends adore the Tulip House, she says. She kept it fairly simple. She has a Wi-Fi connection from her house, but no electricity or heat. “It faces south, so the space heats up nicely during the day.”

Owendyk advises taking time to “determine what you want. It is yours to enjoy so it should reflect your personality and needs.”

Katrina Sullivan of Rancho Cordova, author of the popular blog “Chic Little House,” found her extra space for an office and studio in a tricked-out Tuff Shed.

“I didn’t even know what they were called when I started mine,” says Sullivan, a mother of two. “We have a small house and I needed a little office. I got that in a 10- by 12-foot shed. I love it! It’s my little creative hideaway from the kids.”

Sullivan and her husband, Hasani, tackled the she shed as DIYers, equipping it with electricity, Wi-Fi, heat and air-conditioning. They installed insulation, dry wall, vinyl flooring and other finishing touches.

Her she shed makes for less mess in the house. “My husband appreciates it. My creative space used to be the dining room table. It was always messy and overflow. I had to push things aside to eat dinner. Now my mess stays in my she shed. When friends come over, I don’t have to rush around to clean up.

Before hauling the tools out of the backyard shed, there are some things Kotite says to consider:

  • Most pre-fab sheds often are short and dark, with six-foot ceilings and without windows.
  • Sheds can be cold and drafty, needing insulation to keep them comfortable year-round.
  • Other creature comforts—electricity, lighting, Wi-Fi access—make the shed more usable, but also more expensive. Such upgrades may also need building permits or other approvals.

The least common upgrade, Kotite finds, is indoor plumbing. “Then, it starts to become a mini-house,” she says.

She sheds become a creative outlet in themselves.

“What’s really fun is finding stuff to furnish and decorate the shed,” Kotite says. “That’s what gives it personality.”

Owendyk agrees. “I had so much fun decorating it,” she says of her Tulip House. “It is exactly like I wanted. Most everything are found items I had around the house or that people gave me. It is full of memories of good times and wonderful friends.”

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Linkscontractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price?  Go to to get started and see comparable home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

Michigan to Eliminate Dower Rights

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team



ELIMINATION OF DOWER IN MICHIGAN On January 6, 2017, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed into law a package of bills eliminating statutory and common law dower rights. The law takes effect on April 7, 2017, with an exception made for dower rights elected by a woman whose husband died before the law’s effective date. 

The concept of a dower interest in real property dates back centuries to a time when women could not own property or amass personal wealth. In Michigan, dower rights were the traditional rights a widow had to elect on her husband’s death, to claim for her life possession and use, a one-third interest in any real estate titled in her late husband’s name. Prior to the new law, Michigan was one of the few states to continue to recognize dower and was the only state that still granted dower rights exclusively to women. The Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges held that all states must recognize same-sex marriages; complications related to the application of dower rights in the context of same-sex marriage may have been the impetus for the Michigan legislature to pass the package of bills to abolish dower rights. 


  • Spouses that hold property in their name alone will be free to transfer the property without the signature of the other spouse
  • Both spouses must still join in the execution of a non-purchase money mortgage on their "marital homestead" (principal residence) regardless of who is in title.
  • Documents presented for recording must still state the marital status of all male grantors.
  • Judgments of divorce and separate maintenance no longer include a provision in lieu of dower

Generally speaking, the new laws will simplify and provide more certainty in Michigan real estate transactions. If you have any questions,  please contact our office. 

Tom Stachler is a licensed builder and broker in Michigan.  Please use the handy info Links above to find more information on realty for sale or Lease in the Ann Arbor or Saline Michigan markets.  Also check out the helpful links under the resources tab above.  


Where Your Home Inspection Cost Really Goes

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Where the Cost of Your Home Inspection Really Goes

Where the Cost of Your Home Inspection Really Goes

Home inspections are most commonly ordered by home buyers before closing on a home, and can also be used by current homeowners who want to learn more about the condition of the property they live in. These home inspection reports are often a dozen pages or more in length, and they contain very detailed information about components that range from the plumbing and electrical system of the home to the foundation, roof and more. However, depending on your location and the size of the home, a property inspection may cost several hundred dollars or more. With closer examination of where this money goes, you will see that this is a fee well worth paying for.

The Tools and Equipment an Inspector Uses

Because a property inspector will walk through every room of the home--most will even examine the roof, basement and foundation—a wide range of tools and equipment are needed to complete the task at hand. Common equipment used by all inspectors are flashlights, ladders and screwdrivers. Many will also use electrical testers on each outlet in the home, a thermometer to test the heat level in an oven, moisture testing equipment to look for signs of water leaks and more. If your property inspector conducts additional tests, a mold test kit, an asbestos test kit, a radon test kit and other certified material testing products may also be required.

The Time and Experience Required

Each state has different licensing and certification requirements. Some states require a license renewal with continuing education every year or two. The property inspector must pay to maintain and improve his or her level of education as well as to remain licensed and insured to complete the task that you have asked him or her to do. In addition, there is value in an inspector’s time.

Depending on the size of the home, a typical property inspection may take two to four hours or more to complete. The price you pay for a home inspection will directly relate to how much time he or she spends at the property as well as the types of special services he or she provides.

Through a home inspection, you can learn about issues that range from mold growth in the home and a cracked foundation to broken support beams in the attic, wiring issues in the walls and even pest infestation. These and other things that are noted in the report can help home buyers make a more informed decision about which property to buy. They can also be used to help current homeowners take steps to improve the condition of their home. With how beneficial a property inspection report is, you can see that the fee for an inspection report is well worthwhile.

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Linkscontractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price?  Go to to get started and see comparable home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

Who Is Responsible When Your Tree Falls?

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Who Is Responsible When Your Tree Falls?

A few years ago, some of us had ever heard of a "Derecho"; now, faced with fallen trees, damaged property and even a few deaths, Derecho - meaning super-strong windstorm - is a household word. One we really never want to hear -or see - again.

Who is responsible if your neighbor’s tree falls on your property? The general rule is that unless the neighbor knew - or should have known - that his tree was unsafe - even if it caused damage to person or your property, he is not responsible. Our courts follow the old common law: it’s your property, so take care of it, unless you can prove your neighbor was negligent.

The legal answer to this is quite simple; however, the interpretation and implementation of the law is rather complex.

How do you prove that your neighbor’s tree was unsafe and that your neighbor was negligent in not assuring that the tree would not fall? What constitutes negligence?

The answer depends on all of the facts. Did your neighbor have any knowledge that the tree was a potential hazard? Should the tree owner have been on notice of a problem because the tree was not showing leaves but only bare limbs?

Did you complain about the safety of the tree, and yet he took no action?

Here we have to look to specific cases. Take the leading case in the District of Columbia (Dudley v Meadowbrook, 1961). The Defendant’s tree fell onto the Plaintiff’s property, and damaged a garage. The evidence indicated that there was no strong wind blowing when the tree fell. The Court wrote that "a healthy tree does not ordinarily fall of its own weight without some exterior force being directed against it. Though some evidence indicated that the tree looked sound, it was in fact full of decay. At least 13 years earlier it had been subjected to surgery and a large area filled with concrete."

In conclusion, the Court suggested that a land owner has a duty to periodically inspect the trees on his property or at least have them examined by an expert to determine whether they are safe to continue to stand.

In order for negligence to be found, the Plaintiff (the injured neighbor) would have to file suit against the tree owner. Most cases are not clear cut; they require extensive background research, expert testimony and a potentially lengthy trial. This is both time consuming and expensive for a Plaintiff. And it should be pointed out that our legal system has adopted what is known as the "American Rule of Legal Fees". In the absence of a written contract or a statute authorizing attorneys fees, each side pays their own attorneys fees.

And even if a lawsuit is brought, the tree owner can raise the defense that an "Act of God" (or in this case an Act of Derecho) caused the tree damage. If the tree owner was on notice before the storm that the tree was likely to fall down, this defense may not be accepted by a Court of Law. But it nevertheless is a legal defense which every defendant will raise when sued.

There is yet another defense, namely "contributory negligence". The general rule throughout the United States is that if a tree limb or a tree root protrudes on a neighbor’s property, that neighbor has the right to exercise self-help -- i.e. the offending root or limb can be cut off.

Some Court cases have determined that the tree owner was not liable, since the neighbor -- who knew that the tree was dangerous -- did not exercise this self-help. In other words, the neighbor’s own negligence defeated his claim against the tree owner.

What if your tree falls on a public roadway? According to a recent Supreme Court case in Virginia, a landowner does not have a duty to inspect and cut down sickly trees that have the possibility of falling on a public roadway and inflicting injury. This is the duty of the local government to periodically inspect to assure the safety of the public. This is also the law in the District of Columbia, where the high court here made it clear that government must exercise reasonable care in the maintenance of well traveled thoroughfares.

What is the role of your insurance policy? Homeowners should carefully review their Home owner’s insurance policy -- often called the "hazard policy". Many policies are now written in relatively simple English, so you should be able to understand what position your insurance carrier will take should you decide to file a claim. In most cases, your carrier will reimburse you for any damage caused to your property when a tree falls, subject of course to the level of your deductible. If, however , no damage resulted, there will be no insurance coverage and you have to bear the cost to remove the tree.

And according to Robin Manougian, an insurance agent in Silver Spring, Maryland, "should a live tree be struck by lightening - which is a covered peril in the policy - the insurance would pay for the tree up to the policy dollar limits, but generally not for the removal of the tree."

But, do you really want to file a claim against your insurance policy?

We have all heard stories that the carrier -- when faced with a claim -- will either significantly increase the next years premium or decide not to renew the policy.

Thus, if your damage is minimal, give serious thought to picking up the cost yourself. Let’s say you have $4000 in damage and your deductible is $2,000. If you file a claim, and you can produce proper evidence that the repair cost is really $4000, you will receive $2,000 from your carrier. But is this money worth facing possible non-renewal (or an increased insurance premium) next year?

If there is damage to your property, talk with your insurance agent, but make sure that he/she understands you are only seeking information and advice -- and are not yet ready to formally file your claim. 

There is a long -- often convoluted and contradictory -- legal history relating to the development of "tree law". Our legal system is predicated on what we refer to as the "Common Law" -- the laws which came over from England before the founding of our nation. Under the common law, the land owner owed no duty to those outside his property to correct natural conditions on the property -- even though those conditions might present a hazard to outsiders. My home was my castle and I was master of that property.

But as our nation grew from a rural to an urban environment, this common law rule began to lose its impact. Houses were next door to each other, and homeowners had to be concerned about injuring or damaging their neighbor -- or their neighbor’s property.

Accordingly, Judges faced with such tree-falling cases began to carve out exceptions to the common law. Some Courts held that a falling tree was a trespass; others held that such a tree was a nuisance. Both theories evolved into the current rule of law, namely that the tree owner is only responsible if that owner was negligent.  I had a neighbors tree fall on a tenants car on our property and also took out a privacy fence.  The tree was rotten which was even more evident after falling and examining the rotten hollow break.  I call the neighbors property manager and they came over and removed the tree and fixed the fence.  The tenant had to fend for themselves with their car insurance and I believe asked the neighbor to pay their comp. deductible, though there might have been some question whether the neighbor was legally responsible.  

The clear moral to this legal history is that litigation may not be the best approach. If your neighbor’s tree falls onto your property -- whether or not it causes damage -- you should talk to your neighbor and propose that you share in the cost of removal and repair. Clearly, this is probably the least expensive way to resolve your issues, and you also can avoid filing that claim against your insurance carrier.

How do tree owners protect themselves to avoid the allegation of negligence? One safe harbor is to have your trees periodically inspected by a certified arborist, and get a written report stating that the trees are healthy. 

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Linkscontractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

Cargo Robot that Follows you Around?

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team


The worst part about shopping is carrying your purchases. It turns the mall into an endurance event, complete with stairs and obstacles (i.e. other shoppers). Piaggio, the people who make Vespa scooters, believe they have the answer. Gita is a robot porter that trails you around the shops and through airports, carrying your bags. It’s the ultimate shopping assistant.  I can just imagine someone walking into the office with their files or presentation in one of these and garnering a lot of attention . 

– Intelligent “cargo robot” can carry 40 pounds of luggage

– Gita can roll up ramps and into elevators, with a top speed of 22 mph

– Biometric security and security cameras ensure your items are safe


Ultimate Shopping Assistant

Gita looks like a flamboyant Italian relation of the Star Wars droids, complete with bright blue carbon fiber. Two inset wheels provide all the propulsion, steering the robot to follow your every move. With a remarkable top speed of 22 mph, Gita can even keep up with cyclists.

The robot measures 26 inches high, so you can only use Gita for smaller purchases. That said, the maximum load is 40 pounds. That should be sufficient for most trips to the grocery store.



Shopping Assistant Cargo Robot

You can take Gita wherever wheelchair users can go. The battery lasts for 8 hours of continuous use, and you can park the robot outside smaller premises. To open the lid, you need the right fingerprint and a code. The robot also has highly accurate GPS. Speaking about security, Piaggio Fast Forward COO Sasha Hoffman said:

“Gita is also covered with cameras and sensors, and always knows where it is. It’d be the dumbest thing in the world to try to steal or break into.”

What We Like

This little vehicle takes the strain out of shopping, particularly for the elderly or disabled. The high top speed also makes it great for cyclists who need some extra carrying capacity.

Shopping Assistant Cargo Robot

Room for Improvement

It’s not ready for market yet. Piaggio is running tests on American college campuses, initially with the aim of helping maintenance staff. There could also be some safety concerns about such a large robot maneuvering through busy shopping environments.


Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Links, contractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable Home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.


Home Spacing Guide for Pool Table

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Buying a Pool Table for That New Remodel? Check Out This Spacing Guide First


pool table

Pool tables are often a fixture of basement remodeling; they’re a great way for children and adults to enjoy their time. However, installing these tables may not be as easy as one would think. Imagine finishing your basement remodel and realizing your spacing is off and you don’t have enough room to play. It’s a nightmare that happens far too often.

Below we’ve placed a guide, put together by PoolDawg, which informs people of exactly how much space they’ll need in order to properly use their pool table. Logically, these measurements may change slightly from person to person depending on stance, height and comfort level.

Check it out:


Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Links, contractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable Home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

Bob Hope’s UFO Home Sells for $13 Million

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Bob Hope’s house in Palm Springs sold for $13 million. Having gone through a couple of price cuts over the last three years, the most recent cut lowered the ask to $25 million. But with no comps available, how does one actually price a concrete spaceship? Seems that when $25 million was thrown at the wall, $13 million stuck.

The Palm Springs spaceship/volcano house, designed for Bob and Dolores Hope by John Lautner in 1973, needed a buyer with deep pockets who would appreciate its futuristic leanings, have appreciation for architects who think outside the box, and young enough at heart to enjoy a bit of whimsy.

At 23,000 square feet under a dramatic and soaring undulating roof, the unique house has open spaces in the walls and ceiling, allowing daylight or stars to shine through, casting shapely shadows into the interior. These curved openings also allow for stunning views across the landscape and mountains, while appearing to be nestled comfortably into its well-designed desert landscaping and outdoor living areas. The house also has a spa with greenhouse wall, six bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, indoor and outdoor pools, a pond, putting greens and a tennis court.

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Links, contractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

Storage Unit Options in Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan Areas

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

When Packing a Storage Unit, Strategy is King


self storageStorage Unit Options in Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan Areas : Whether you’re in the process of downsizing or simply looking to open up your Home a bit (without saying goodbye to your belongings for good), self-storage units offer a practical solution to the issue surrounding the lack of space homeowners are faced with on a day-to-day basis.

While factors such as security, cleanliness, temperature control, customer service and price will likely play a large role in determining which self-storage unit best fits your needs, the process doesn’t end there. In fact, much like packing to move from one house to another, maximizing the space within your self-storage unit begins with having a plan in place.

  1. Be Prepared. Once you’ve made the decision to Rent a storage unit, even if it’s a short-term solution, it’s important to come up with a plan before you begin haphazardly shoving items into the space. While this may save time on the front end, it will undoubtedly work against you when it comes time to clear the unit out.
  1. Use the Space Wisely. If you’re storing bigger items—or anything that’s awkwardly shaped—take the time to break them down (if possible) in order to get the most use out of the space. This means disassembling tables, workout equipment, kitchen carts, etc.
  1. Take Inventory. Good memory or not, you’re bound to forget every last item stored in the unit. Even if it only makes an appearance once every few years, you’ll want to remember where your fine china from Great Aunt Gertrude is when she comes calling.
  1. Label Everything. If you plan to fill your storage unit up with boxes, be sure to label them so that you can quickly and easily identify what’s inside. It’s also important to make sure all labels are facing the same way.
  1. Map It Out. In addition to making note of everything that’s stored in your storage unit, it’s a good idea to map out where everything is located. This way you can easily grab something when needed.
  1. Place Items Strategically. Keeping like items together (or packing things according to which room or family member they belong to) is a simple way to add a level of organization to the process.
  1. Leave a Walkway. For those renting a large self-storage unit, don’t forget to leave a walkway down the middle when filling the space with your belongings. Not only will this make it easy to grab things when you need them, it will keep you from having to climb over boxes and other items when you need to grab something from the back of the unit.

Storage Unit Options in Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan Areas

Extra Space Storage
3500 Carpenter Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Public Storage
2500 S. Industrial Hwy
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Devon Self Storage
4750 S. State Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Stop 'n Lock Self Storage
3570 E. Ellsworth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Simply Self Storage
1400 E. Michigan Ave.
Saline, MI 48176
Milan Self Storage
201 Squires Dr.
Milan, MI 48160


Thank you for visiting and let us know if we can help further.  

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Links, contractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

Temporary Rental Housing Options in Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Temporary Rental Housing Options in Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan 

Please check with us early with your short term rental housing needs and assistance on our Real Estate One Corp Group rate or discount etc before contacting some of these vendors or giving them your name.  

Sublets and Temporary Housing


Extended Stay Lodging 
(we have group rates at both locations on Briarwood and Boardwalk)


Short-Term Apartments
Please mention that we referred you and you would like the Realtor discount. 


Temporary Housing in Ann Arbor

Click Here



Also McKinley Properties has rental housing options at Glencoe Hills and their Meadowbrook communities too that vary from vacant apartments to furnished units.  Contact the manager at these communities for more information.  

When checking for rates, usually a three month rate is less than a monthly rate.  Also, especially in the case of the extended or hotel stays, you always want to ask for a min on month rate which will avoid the (less than one month) rates that have the Visitor and Conference taxes etc that are assessed on weekly or nightly rates.  

Of course for terms longer than a few months, please visit for rental condo and housing options that are listed in the Board of Realtors MLS system.  

Thank you for visiting and let us know if we can help further.  

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker & Builder plus marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information Links, contractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable Home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above. Temporary Rental Housing furnished and unfurnished for short term rental stays or requests. 


What to Do Before You Get Settled into Your New Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

What to Do Before You Get Settled into Your New HomeScreen Shot 2016-12-21 at 3.40.15 PM

Buying a new house in the Saline and Ann Arbor Michigan area is an exciting adventure to embark on. Whether you are a newlywed just beginning your life with your significant other or a retiree looking to downsize, purchasing a new home is a time of new beginnings. Despite all of the anticipation of owning a new home, there are some housekeeping items that should be taken care of prior to settling in.

Committing to a Final Walk Through

As eager as you may be to finally move in after weeks of paperwork and waiting, completing a final walk-through with your REALTOR® and/or inspectors is beneficial. This is the time to make sure all of the requested updates and repairs have been corrected prior to signing the final binding paperwork. Have your broker or inspector ready to make any last minute notes or perform any additional tests to confirm the state of the home. Investing just a few minutes in this process can save you thousands in expensive repairs later on.

Make Sure You Have Adequate Homeowner's Insurance

Prior to closing on your new home, it is often required to provide proof of homeowner's insurance. As a new homeowner, it is your responsibility to do your due diligence in researching insurance companies and selecting the best fit for our needs. Be sure to consider different coverage and research terms, such as "replacement cost," "actual cash value," and "depreciation" to help you better understand what you are paying for. Examine your policy thoroughly, select appropriate deductibles, and make changes as necessary.  Your best insurance quote will generally be for a package that also includes your automobile coverage as well.

Consider Different Contracts

While homeowner's insurance covers many catastrophic events, what happens if your furnace goes out or you have a power surge off-premises that kills your refrigerator? This type of coverage steps in at times like these to help cover losses that are not otherwise covered by homeowner's insurance. A home warranty can be a lifesaver when it comes to issues that are not detected at the time of purchase or during the walk-through. Home warranties are often serviced by different entities than insurance providers, so homeowners may be out the cost of two policies. However, many think that being safe rather than sorry is worth the cost.

Complete Renovations Prior to Moving in

Do you really despise that carpet in the family room? Would you prefer to paint the walls in the bedroom? If so, it is best to complete any renovations or household changes prior to moving in. The work will go faster when  you don't have to deal with furniture etc and who wants to live in a dust bowl anyway, right?  It becomes much more difficult to make these changes when there are people, furniture and belongings in the way. Deciding on what changes you wish to make and establishing a timeline for completing these changes prior to moving in allows your family to plan accordingly.

Switch the Utilities to Your Name

If your new home had previous residents, it would be beneficial to consider changing the utilities over into your name immediately to start on your move-in date.  Have your agent coordinate this coverage timing with the sellers or their agent. Some utility companies require a security deposit that will be refunded later after making payments on time. Other companies charge additional fees if services are turned off by the previous owners and then must be turned back on.

Change Your Mailing Address

One of the most simple, yet overlooked tasks in new home ownership is the process of contacting the post office to have all mail forwarded to your new address. It can take four to six weeks to get this process fully instated. You can also set up online payments for essential bills or contact companies directly to make sure no important paperwork is overlooked during the transition.  For more information, check out our helpful Links / resources page in the top right side of this web page.  

Moving into your new home can be very hectic and exciting at the same time. By making a checklist of items to complete prior to settling into your new home you can rest easy in knowing that you are prepared for this new journey.   Make a list so it won't be missed.  

Tom Stachler is a licensed Broker and Builder marketing expert for commercial, condo and homes in the Ann Arbor Michigan community and surrounding areas such as Dexter, Saline, Chelsea, Milan Ypsilanti and Pinckney real estate markets.  Note the Search Properties link above to view a complete Inventory of homes and condos for sale.  Also click on the resources tab above for other helpful information links, contractor discounts and sources.   Have questions want sell your home or get a price ?  Go to to get started and see comparable home sales.  Or maybe you want to search for property and view an updated MLS inventory report created for those Buying properties .  Hit the contact me link to the right or call us with any questions because we would love to hear from you.  We also have a Contractor Discount page here on our website or many helpful Links in the tab above for more resources.  

Ann Arbor Real Estate for Sale, Saline Real estate for sale, whatever the need in the surrounding areas, we have it using the navigation tabs above.

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