Real Estate Information Archive


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Dress Your Home for Success with Staging Tips to Sell you Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team


Please let me know if you would like to view the video below.  Just Email me for the latest password.  

This is a Great Video about how to stage your Home for a successful sale, etc.  


tom stachler, home sales, broker, ann arbor, saline, michigan, real estate, one, for sale, Lease, preparation, staging, options, listing agreements, prep, ready, fix, up, punch, list, realtor, recommended

2015 Ann Arbor and Saline Real Estate Market Update

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

FHA Making Homeownership More Accessible and Sustainable?

FHA is reducing annual FHA mortgage insurance premiums by 0.5 percentage points from 1.35 percent to 0.85 percent. This reduction in premiums will produce an average savings of $900 annually for all new FHA borrowers.

More than 800,000 FHA borrowers are projected to take advantage of these lower rates in the first year, saving millions of dollars in total.

Lowered premiums will create opportunities for 250,000 new homeowners to purchase a Home over the next three years. In recent years, many aspiring homeowners have been waiting on the sidelines before Buying a new home. By making mortgages more affordable and helping create further confidence among those wanting to buy a home, the FHA premium reduction will help hundreds of thousands of additional families own a home for the first time.

The new home buying activity and benefits of the cost savings to borrowers will help further strengthen the housing market. An increase in first-time homebuyers and more affordable mortgages will help spur more residential construction and help create new jobs in the housing sector.  FHA will also be starting a automated program for lender underwriters to check appraisers pricing with assigned comps or recent home sale prices to loans.  Appraisers feel this is ridiculous and may create another 7-10 days to the appraisal process.  Look for more on this as the program rolls out.  

Each Year the Market moves Closer to a Sellers Market as Inventory Challenges Arise

There were no dramatic changes for the housing market in November and the first part of December. The median sale price increases in the last 90 days have been modest at under 2%, however the real value increase has been closer to 4%. The difference being that with a slowing upper price market, median values will tend to be lower than the true appreciation rate. The Month's Supply of Inventory (MSI) has been declining, with a small jump in November, a sign that although inventories are rising, demand is still strong. Sold properties have been rising through the fall season, but slowing in November compared to last year. Some of that decline might be weather-related and the fact there was one less business day in November this year. The slower sold pace does reinforce our feeling that the market is settling down to a more normal pace, especially in the over $500,000 segments. With buyers spread out among more listings, many sellers will feel that the market is slower than it really is. 

These charts from the National Association of Realtors focus on some of the underlying economic trends that should translate into a multi-year real estate recovery.


Household Net Worth at All-Time High 


Most people do not realize how far household net worth has risen from the bottom of the recession, and that it has exceeded the prior 2007 peak. The stock market jump has certainly helped move the numbers up, but the majority of the yellow bars are made up of home equities. Higher household net worth translates into higher consumer confidence and increased consumer spending.


GDP Growth = Job Creations (8 million lost, 10 million gained)

Going hand-in-hand with increased household net worth is the increase in total jobs, again exceeding the peak year of 2007. The jobs added during this recovery are more service-based and do not have the same buying power as those in the past, but with so many dual income families, the combined incomes create buying power for housing. Michigan as a whole may lag compared to the national averages in these two areas, but Washtenaw should actually exceed the national averages.


Young Adult Homeownership Rate (under 35 years old)

The young adult homeownership rate is one of the biggest challenges for housing growth. With tough lending standards, slow job growth and high student loan debt, young adults have a hard time getting financed. As lending standards move back to more reasonable levels, some of that first time home buyer pent-up demand will be released, moving that ownership percentage closer to 40%.


Homeowner households have not grown since 2006, but are primed to grow.

This chart clearly illustrates the effect of the housing bubble. After 20 years of growth in the number of homeowners in the U.S., we have been at a standstill for the last six years. Most economists expect the homeownership numbers to resume their growth, but probably at a slower pace than in the past. Much of that future growth is in former homeowners, who were forced to Rent, and hope to buy again the first chance they get.


National Housing Forecast

Overall, we are carrying an improved listing inventory, good economic momentum and some evidence that there is still some pent-up demand out there along with the prospects of continued affordable interest rates. The skies look good going into 2015 for stable and steady growth in the Washtenaw real estate market.


Please keep me in mind for any of your real estate needs. I am happy to assist you.




tom stachler is a real estate broker working and living in the ann arbor and saline michigan markets.  check with him when looking for ann arbor homes for sale or saline michigan homes for sale as well.  

ann arbor and saline real estate market update for january 2015

2014 Year End Real Estate Market Update and Pricing Trends

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

There were no dramatic changes for the housing market in November and the first part of December. The median sale price increases in the last 90 days have been modest at under 2%, however the real value increase has been closer to 4%. The difference being that with a slowing upper price market, median values will tend to be lower than the true appreciation rate. The Month's Supply of Inventory (MSI) has been declining, with a small jump in November, a sign that although inventories are rising, demand is still strong. Sold properties have been rising through the fall season, but slowing in November compared to last year. Some of that decline might be weather-related and the fact there was one less business day in November this year. The slower sold pace does reinforce our feeling that the market is settling down to a more normal pace, especially in the over $500,000 segments. With buyers spread out among more listings, many sellers will feel that the market is slower than it really is. 

These charts from the National Association of Realtors focus on some of the underlying economic trends that should translate into a multi-year real estate recovery.


Household Net Worth at All-Time High 


Most people do not realize how far household net worth has risen from the bottom of the recession, and that it has exceeded the prior 2007 peak. The stock market jump has certainly helped move the numbers up, but the majority of the yellow bars are made up of Home equities. Higher household net worth translates into higher consumer confidence and increased consumer spending.


GDP Growth = Job Creations (8 million lost, 10 million gained)

Going hand-in-hand with increased household net worth is the increase in total jobs, again exceeding the peak year of 2007. The jobs added during this recovery are more service-based and do not have the same Buying power as those in the past, but with so many dual income families, the combined incomes create buying power for housing. Michigan as a whole may lag compared to the national averages in these two areas, but Washtenaw should actually exceed the national averages.


Young Adult Homeownership Rate (under 35 years old)

The young adult homeownership rate is one of the biggest challenges for housing growth. With tough lending standards, slow job growth and high student loan debt, young adults have a hard time getting financed. As lending standards move back to more reasonable levels, some of that first time home buyer pent-up demand will be released, moving that ownership percentage closer to 40%.


Homeowner households have not grown since 2006, but are primed to grow.

This chart clearly illustrates the effect of the housing bubble. After 20 years of growth in the number of homeowners in the U.S., we have been at a standstill for the last six years. Most economists expect the homeownership numbers to resume their growth, but probably at a slower pace than in the past. Much of that future growth is in former homeowners, who were forced to Rent, and hope to buy again the first chance they get.


National Housing Forecast

Overall, we are carrying an improved listing inventory, good economic momentum and some evidence that there is still some pent-up demand out there along with the prospects of continued affordable interest rates. The skies look good going into 2015 for stable and steady growth in the Washtenaw real estate market.


Please keep me in mind for any of your real estate needs. I am happy to assist you.




tom, stachler, thomas, real estate, market, updates, ann arbor, saline, dexter, ypsilanti, michigan, homes, houses, trend, equity, charts, bar, graph, reports, housing, prices, plot, stahold, corp, one, improving, decline, increase, decrease.

Happy Holidays from Tom Stachler and Real Estate One

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Happy Holidays!

Ann Arbor Skyline

May the Joys of the Season
lead the way
to a bright and prosperous
New Year

- + -
Best wishes  from Tom and his Team





Tom Stachler
Associate Broker & Builder

555 Briarwood Circle
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: (734) 996-0000

Know someone looking for the following services?
* Please refer them to one of our many websites *




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Helping Build Life Long Relationship - Need Help ? Yes We Can be.....

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Always Here to Help - Let us Hear from you for Any Reason

I am inviting you to stop by our website often at where I post blogs and other information in my effort to keep the community informed about what is happening in the local real estate market.

Also, I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I value you and your good will.  I hope someday we will have the opportunity to work together again however, building life long relationships is what gives me the greatest joy and satisfaction in my career as a Broker/Realtor®.

I would be happy to mail you a copy of my personal brochure to give you a little more background information about me and my business philosophy.  I hope you will take a moment to request and later read it.  My objective is to become your Realtor®/Broker long before you actually need one.  I hope when you have a real estate need, question or contractor discount referral,  you will give me the opportunity to help you even if its just a recommendation or perhaps guide you to one of the many resources found on my various websites that are also just waiting to serve you. 

Even if you aren’t planning to buy or sell a Home for years, I want you to feel comfortable calling me if you have any questions about real estate, your home care or the community.

I am here to help you in any way I can. 

I look forward to building Life Long Relationships with the people I meet.   We can also help with finding or marketing any property as a trusted advisor.  

We don't sell Real estate, rather we smoothly help people change their lives.  

Click this link if you are Looking for Real Estate for Sale in Ann Arbor Michigan or the surrounding areas

Looking for a quick ballpark price on your property?  Get instant automatic Results......Try our new self serve web service at www.MyPrice.Guru and let us know what you think.  

Have a great day!   




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The Secret to Wealth and Success

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team


Hello there,

You might want to listen to this audio by inspirational speaker Earl Nightingale called the Strangest Secret.  There have been many speakers with the same message over the years and centuries and I really do think it works, if you can train and focus your find on a daily basis.  I remember another very popular video and audio series about 10 years ago called "The Secret" that seemed to have a very powerful effect on many people.  Keep and open mind, it really does work if you focus on your goals and keep them in your mind and steadily work on a plan to reach them.  

Wishing you and your family all the best.  Keep us in mind if we can ever help with your real estate needs in the Ann Arbor, Saline or surrounding Michigan communities.  Always good to hear from you, perhaps comment on this video and whether you have tried something similar in the past?  



ann arbor michigan real estate saline mi university of michigan tom thomas stachler homes income property for sale Lease rental dexter chelsea ypsilanti

Woman Kayaking is Shocked by What Pops out of the Water !

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

For the Newest Realty Listings - Click on the "All MLS Listings" Link above 


Woman in Kayak is Surprised by Something Popping up out of the Water! 


Have a Great Day everyone.  Please keep in touch.  




tom,stachler, ann arbor, homes, for, sale, saline, michigan, house, property, mls, real estate, one, stahold, corp. realty

Thinking Smart about Home Improvements

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Summer is the perfect time to think about Home improvements, but thinking smart about home improvements is critical. Use these guidelines when trying decide what home projects to tackle next:


  • The first thing to think about is the return on your investment. Building an addition is costly and is best weighed against how much longer you plan on owning your home. Understanding how much value a project adds to your home or how much your family will enjoy the new features will help you make a better decision about what projects are worth doing.
  • When considering home improvements, be careful not to price yourself out of the market. Adding a large addition to a home that is in a neighborhood of smaller homes may limit the return that you can get on your investment.
  • Make your money go further. While a complete remodel is nice, often giving the room a "facelift" is a good alternative and is less pricey than the remodel.
  • Adding curb appeal is always a great home improvement project. New flowers, trees, pavers, and more can add a polished appearance to the exterior of a home.
  • Updating appliances and choosing energy efficiency models is always a good idea. Not only will the new appliances help to modernize your home, they will also save money when it comes to energy costs.
  • Instead of adding on to your home, reinventing the existing space is a great way to be smart about a home improvement project. Turning an unused room, attic, or closet into a space that can be used is a great way to make your money go further.
  • Since a bathroom or kitchen remodel can get pretty pricey, a great solution is to replace fixtures and hardware. The change is definitely noticeable and budget-friendly.

Thinking smart about home improvements not only saves time and money, but it also helps to ensure that the homeowners receive the full benefit of their investment.


The Largest Homes in America

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

What size Home is right for you?    See anything you like here?

Feel Free to click on the bottom right corner of the view frame above for a Larger Image

Search for your home if whatever size you are looking for in Michigan by clicking here and let us know when you are ready to setup a tour.  We look forward to meeting you.  

Have a Great Day and thanks for Stopping.  

4 Tips to Setting an Accurate Asking Price

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

There are many emotions and tough decisions that are present when selling a Home. Perhaps one of the toughest decisions involves how to price your home. While a seller never wants to price a home too low, they also don't want to price themselves out of the market. Use these four tips to setting an accurate asking price when selling your home:


  • Living in an age where information is available in an instant can be both a wonderful and an awful thing. Use the information available by gathering enough data to make a smart decision. Educating yourself about the selling process and local market trends, helps you elect the best asking price.
  • While understanding the current market is a great way to begin, it often takes seeing comparable homes to understand what asking price is appropriate for your home. Ask that your Realtor set up showings for other homes in the area so that you can see what those homes have to offer in relation to their price.
  • A bidding war is a seller's dream. Help to ensure multiple offers on your home by staging it effectively. Showing buyers the potential that your home has will increase the amount of offers that you receive on your home. Also be sure to sell the key features of your home. Mentioning the little touches that make life easier goes a long way in securing offers.
  • Selling a home is an emotional time. When pricing a home, it is important to take your emotions out of the process. Buyers are not interested in paying you for the sentimental value of the home. They only want to secure the perfect home at a fair price.

These four tips to setting an accurate asking price will hopefully provide you with the information that you need to make a decision about the selling price of your home. It is important to remember that your real estate agent is someone that possesses the information to assist you through every step of the process, including determining an accurate asking price. Rely on their experience during this difficult decision.


Displaying blog entries 221-230 of 279


