What is the difference between the Assessed Value and the Taxable Value of my Home?
Each year the Assessing Office must calculate the SEV (Assessed Value) and Taxable Value of each property for the 31st of December. You will ususally get your new tax assessment in early March. In determining the SEV, the assessor identifies area neighborhoods and used to use a 2 year sales study to analyze market values within each neighborhood, comparing the sale price of a property to its assessed value. That was just changed and the new 1 year sales study period for the 2008 assessments was 04/01/06 to 03/31/07. A review of all arms length sales within each neighborhood for the required study period is used to determine individual Assessed Values on a global scale.
The Taxable Value is the value to which the millage rate is applied, thereby determining your taxes. The Taxable Value on the property is said to be "capped" if the property owner has not had any additions or losses on the property or did not purchase it in the preceding year. The Taxable Value is calculated by adding the CPI or 5% (whichever is less) to the prior years Taxable Value. Proposal A intended to put a cap on the Taxable Value of property so that taxpayers wouldn't be as affected by a strong economy and significant increases in valuation, the intention was to make changes to the Taxable Valuation more gradual by tying it to the rate of inflation.
Sales prices in my neighborhood have been decreasing. Will my property valuation decrease as well?
If you've owned your property for a significant amount of time, it is likely that your SEV exceeds your Taxable Value. If this is the case, a decrease in market value as determined by city sales studies, would result in a decreased assessed valuation and SEV. The Taxable Value however, is required by the Michigan Constitution to increase each year by the rate of inflation or 5%, whichever is lower. In the case of a long time property owner, the SEV should decrease, while the Taxable Value would increase. The Taxable Value cannot be higher than the SEV.
How does that impact my tax bill?
Because the taxes are based on the Taxable Value rather than the SEV, even with a decrease in the SEV, the taxes could still go up.
I just bought my house. Will the assessed value automatically be half of what I paid?
By state law, a home's Assessed Value is not half its purchase price, but half of its market value. The study period and process identified in paragraph 1 is used to determine market values.
I feel the taxable value on my tax bill is too high. How can I get my taxable value and amount that I pay changed? Is there a deadline to do this?
In closing, please note: I have a pdf download providing even more information on property taxes that you can read by clicking here. Don't forget that you can challenge your taxable value with the assessor by writing them a short letter or call requesting to be be heard before the tax board of review. . Do this right away after you get your new assessment because you do not have much time to protest. Should the determination they mail you fail to provide the intended results, then you can ask your assessor for an appeal letter bebore the State tax tribunal. Call me if you have more quetions. If you need comps showing the sale price of similar properties, just drop me a note requesting them. I would be happy to safe you money on your property taxes or otherwise. I also have new home listings or a free market or cma reports on your existing property.