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Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team


Displaying blog entries 51-60 of 564

Upsizing in Retirement: 3 Major Reasons to Purchase a Larger Home

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Upsizing in Retirement: 3 Major Reasons
to Purchase a Larger Home


(Photo via Pexels)


More often than not, the discussion of Buying a home in retirement usually centers around downsizing. In 2017, 12% of home buyers aged 45-64 decided to downsize their homes (as reported by Moving to a smaller dwelling offers the benefit of reduced cleaning and maintenance, less clutter, and affordability.


However, when it comes to home buying, one size certainly doesn’t fit all. Whether you recently retired, or have been retired for years, there are many valid reasons for doing just the opposite of downsizing: upsizing.


To see if upsizing is the right decision for you, read more from Ann Arbor real estate expert Tom Stachler about the three major reasons to purchase a larger home.


Starting a home business


For some, the definition of a fulfilling retirement doesn’t include bonus leisure time. In fact, AARP reports that more retirees are becoming entrepreneurs than ever before.


If you plan to enter the world of business ownership, it is important to consider whether your current home can fully accommodate your needs. This is especially true for those who plan to open a business that requires inventory storage, or who will be selling heavily regulated products (e.g. baked goods, meals).


Also, be sure that your home business complies with all licensing regulations. This can be extremely important if you want to form a Michigan LLC (which offers tax advantages and the benefit of limited liability). Because each state has different rules related to forming an LLC, do your research prior to moving ahead. To save time, money, and effort, use a formation service as an alternative to expensive hourly lawyer fees.


Accommodating the whole family


Nothing is better than spending quality time with loved ones. If you’ve welcomed new in-laws and grandchildren over the years, your current space may no longer suit your family’s needs.


Many retirees desire more space to accommodate their children, their children’s spouses, and their grandkids. If you want enough rooms and square footage to entertain, host overnight visitors, and make memories for years to come, upsizing could be the right choice at this stage in your life.


Pursuing a cherished hobby


Have a hobby that could take up an entire room (or two)? If your existing home no longer allows you to pursue a cherished hobby due to space constraints, it might be an excellent time to buy something larger. With time to dedicate to this passion, why not see how far you can take it?


If your spouse also has a hobby that could benefit from extra space, you’ll definitely want to explore properties that can accommodate both of your wants and needs.


Factors to consider when searching for the right home


If one (or more) of the above apply to you, it could be time to find an upsized space to call your own.


As you plan your move, start by calculating your budget. You can use an online calculator to help determine your monthly budget/mortgage payment. Be sure to factor in the estimated equity from the sale of your current home.


Also, make a wish list of features you’d like in your new home. Consider how much land, rooms, and square footage you want. Think about the specific features you’ll need for entertaining, running a business, fully realizing your hobby, and so on. Next, connect with agent Tom Stachler, who can help you zero in on Ann Arbor properties that fit the bill as you begin your search.


No matter your vision, the right upsized home can help your retirement be the most joyful and rewarding time of your life. Whether you want to make more amazing memories with your family, or fully realize a lifelong dream, a home suited to your needs awaits.


Want to upsize to a stunning home in Ann Arbor? Tom Stachler is the area’s leading real estate professional, with over 30 years of experience in the local community. Get started by calling 734-996-0000.

Happy Halloween Everyone !

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team


But we may still have to adapt the way we distribute candy, as CDC officials maintain that having children head door to door comes with the most risk this Halloween. With consideration to families wishing to celebrate the holiday this year, the CDC breaks down activities that carry more risk than other socially-distanced options. These kinds of plans are considered among "higher risk" for Americans:

  1. Participating in traditional trick-or-treating where treats are handed to children who go door to door.
  2. Having trunk-or-treat where treats are handed out from trunks of cars lined up in large parking lots.
  3. Attending crowded costume parties held indoors.
  4. Going to an indoor haunted house where people may be crowded together and screaming.
  5. Going on hayrides or tractor rides with people who are not in your household.
  6. Traveling to a rural fall festival that is not in your community if you live in an area with community spread of COVID-19.

CDC officials say risk can be lowered in a multitude of ways, mainly by keeping activities to your own home or backyard, or in a controlled walk around the neighborhood. Carving pumpkins, decorating your home inside and on the front porch as well as in the backyard, virtual Halloween costume contests, or movie nights at home. The lowest risk comparative to traditional trick-or-treating may be doing a "scavenger hunt where children are given lists of Halloween-themed things to look for while they walk outdoors from house to house admiring Halloween decorations at a distance."

As more information about the coronavirus pandemic develops, some of the information in this story may have changed since it was last updated. For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the online resources provided by the CDCWHO, and your local public health department. You can view the CDC's full Halloween safety guidelines here.

The main risks when it comes to trick-or-treating are:

While the CDC offers many different alternatives to traditional trick-or-treating, if you're still thinking about organizing a trick-or-treat outing, independent health experts say these considerations should be front of mind. The most significant risk may hinge on who you're actually trick-or-treating withbecause close contact is defined as those "who are within six feet of you for more than 10 to 15 minutes," Dr. Kesh explains.

  1. Joining a big group of trick-or-treaters: Planning to team up with a group of friends to trick-or-treat this Halloween? Know that visiting people from another household or staying close together for hours on end brings with it a risk of transmission, especially in tight quarters where kids can't keep their masks on (no haunted houses this year!).
  2. Face-to-face exposure: Hopefully, your "trick or treat?" interaction at any given doorway or front porch is very brief, which means there's less risk here. But the more households you visit, the greater the chance that germs may be spread and linger — especially as others head from door to door, too.
  3. Touching candy, toys, doors and other surfaces: It's the least concerning risk for parents, as washing your hands frequently (or using hand sanitizer) can prevent little ones from carrying germs home. Parents should be concerned if their child is likely to rub their eyes, pick their nose, or put their fingers in their mouth while out and about with dirty hands.

Is it safe to trick or treat with friends?

House parties (or any event involving welcoming your neighbors into your home) aren't safe by any means, Dr. Kesh explains. But you can limit the COVID-19 risks associated with trick-or-treating outside your home by making sure your trick-or-treat group stays small. "I wouldn't have a big pack of 10 kids from school going out together; I would limit it to 3 or 4 kids at most, and choose those who you know have also been practicing social distancing," Dr. Kesh explains, adding that some families may choose to trick-or-treat alone simply because they have at-risk family members at home.

And of course, wear a mask. Since Halloween already involves plenty of masks, it should be easy to incorporate a face covering into your child's costume, Dr. Kesh says. Nearly all parents should also be wearing a face mask, too, but if a costume involves a mask that doesn't sufficiently cover the face, consider skipping it altogether in favor of a regular cloth mask. "Do not wear a costume mask over a protective cloth mask because it can be dangerous if the costume mask makes it hard to breathe," the CDC advises. "Instead, consider using a Halloween-themed cloth mask."

Other ways to keep your trick-or-treating session safe:

  • Establish ground rules. "Your child shouldn't be digging around a candy bowl, touching multiple pieces. Ask them to choose one and stick with it," Dr. Kesh advises. "And while it's hard to ask kids not to run around the street, you should ask them to stay as far away from people outside of your household, to continue to do social distancing even outside."
  • Don't share props, toys or bowls. Keep the swords, wands and tiaras from being passed around if you can. Ask each of your children to hold onto their own candy bags.
  • Bring hand sanitizer, and practice not touching your face. "It's always good to take a break, do a check in and give kids some hand sanitizer to clean their hands between multiple homes," Dr. Kesh adds. This is also an opportunity to give kids a break from wearing a mask if they need it, in a safe spot away from others where they can remove their mask with clean hands.

Should I answer the door for trick-or-treaters?

You're not a holiday grinch if you decide to skip handing out candy this year. "The best thing you can do to reduce your risk is to limit your interaction with others as much as possible," explains Molly Hyde, MHS, CIC, an infection control practitioner in Maryland-based GBMC Healthcare. "If you are going to hand out candy in person, make sure you are wearing a face covering over your nose and mouth when giving out candy."


Hyde says COVID-19 risk is lower if the face-to-face interaction is kept short, but you can also wash your hands frequently to ensure you're not accidentally bringing germs back into your house. It goes without saying that you should also keep all strangers outside of your home, and on your front porch or in your front yard instead. Dr. Kesh adds that at the end of the night, it might be a good idea to disinfect any doorknobs, doorbells, buzzers or other high-touch surfaces outside your home.

Should I use a candy bowl this Halloween?

If you're anxious about COVID-19, a candy bowl is a perfectly acceptable solution for trick-or-treaters and their hosts. "If you're at higher risk for severe coronavirus symptoms, I think a candy bowl is the way to go, especially if you live in a high transmission area," Dr. Kesh explains. As a courtesy to your neighbors, you might consider grouping candy in grab-and-go bags that each visitor can take — it reduces the need for kids to reach into a communal bowl. You can have a bit of fun creating Halloween goodie bags that can be simply left on your porch for visitors to take.

Should I travel to a different neighborhood to trick or treat or for an event?

The short answer: No. Officials at the CDC say that traveling to a seasonal locale for trick-or -treating or any sort of local event tied to Halloween is among the riskiest things you can do this year. The reasoning for that, Dr. Kesh explains, is that every community has a different rate of infection or COVID-19 spread. Traveling can either contribute to an outbreak in local cases in your destination, or should you become sick, your Halloween excursion could cause an uptick in cases in your own neighborhood when you return.

States have different regulations for visitors from neighboring states and travelers in general (AARP has compiled a master list right here). You should refrain from using public transportation to pursue trick-or-treating, but you may be able to visit locally sponsored drive-by parades or socially distanced community events in your state by car. If your family has an annual Halloween tradition that pulls you to an attraction or event in a nearby state, check the organizers' COVID-19 response first before you plan to head out this year — there's a good chance that safety guidelines has caused them to cancel altogether.

Should I disinfect my child's candy?

Don't freak out if your child rips open a chocolate bar and pops it into their mouth while trick-or-treating. "It isn't thought to be transmitted this way, but we always worry about the risk of touching something that's carrying infected matter," Dr. Kesh explains. "Try to really encourage your kids to hold off on eating candy until you get home, and make sure they wash their hands first."

It's true that SARS-CoV-2 particles can last up to 72 hours on plastic surfaces, but this landmark discovery was made in a laboratory setting, and most Halloween candy holds less surface area to harbor germs. Disinfecting each candy wrapper may be a bit over the top, Dr. Kesh explains, especially since you can naturally allow any potentially infectious surface germs to die off with time. "Something that you can also do is to put most of the candy away for the first three days that it's in your home, and then the rest of the candy is safe to eat after the time has passed," she advises.

Looking to Buy or sell your home in the Spring?  Time to get started to do it Right.

Tom Stachler is a Michigan licensed Real Estate Broker working in communities surround Ann arbor, Dexter, Milan, Saline, Chelsea, Ypsilanti house and condo marketing and sale home opportunities.  Contact us for more real estate related advice, listing and purchase plans and more.  


Best Types of Residential Driveways - What to Choose

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Best Types of Driveways: Costs, Lifespan & Maintenance

To help you make your decision, there are a few things that you’ll want to consider. Cost, maintenance, and lifespan are all key considerations. You shouldn’t forget aesthetics either, the kind of look you want for your driveway is also important.

Average costs for driveway construction vary a lot depending on the material you choose and whether or not you use a contractor. For some of these materials, DIY is a perfect option, for others, you may need a little help.

Here, we’ll go over 6 types of driveway materials and take a look at the cost, lifespan, and maintenance for concrete vs asphalt vs. gravel vs. pavers vs. stamped concrete vs gravel, to help you make the best decision for your Home.


Asphalt Driveways

types of driveways

Asphalt driveways are one of the most common types of driveways, and with good reason; asphalt is sturdy, long lasting, and generally looks neat and tidy. That’s if it’s maintained properly; one drawback to asphalt is that if it’s not looked after it can start to look very tatty.

Driveway Cost

  • The national average cost for an asphalt driveway is around $830.00. This is based on a 600 square foot driveway, roughly 12’x50′ in size. If there are hindrances to the construction of the driveway, such as slopes, curves, or a body of water that needs to be built over, these costs will generally increase.

Driveway Lifespan

  • You can expect a well-constructed and quality asphalt driveway to last between 15 – 25 years, a bit short when comparing concrete vs. asphalt. The lifespan of your new asphalt driveway is heavily dependent on the climate. If, for example, you live in an area where it snows, the cycle of freezing and then thawing will deteriorate asphalt quicker than in sunnier areas.
  • Increase your driveway lifespan by carrying out routine maintenance as needed.

Driveway Maintenance

  • Firstly, make sure that your driveway has good water drainage. This will stop water from eroding the soil underneath.
  • Once the driveway is constructed, your main tasks will be refilling cracks and sealing the asphalt. Cracks should be filled as and when they appear and sealants should be applied once every two years.
  • Sealing the top of your asphalt means that oxidation can’t occur as easily. You’ll know when it’s time to seal again because bare pavement will be seen in patches where there’s more traffic.
  • Both of these jobs can be carried out by you at the same time and contractors aren’t generally needed.


Concrete Driveways

types of driveways

Concrete driveways are a practical choice for many people. Not only is concrete very durable, it typically requires little maintenance. The initial outlay for a concrete driveway is higher than many other materials, but this investment can pay itself off in lowered maintenance costs.

Pavestone brick pavers

Driveway Cost

  • When comparing concrete vs. asphalt driveways,  costs are a bit higher than asphalt but still not as expensive as pavers. On average, a 2-car driveway will set you back around $3,000.00.

Driveway Lifespan

  • You can expect a well-constructed concrete driveway to last for around 30 years.

Driveway Maintenance

  • To proactively make sure your new concrete driveway looks good for longer, make sure that you stay off it for at least 7 days after it has been laid. Concrete needs time to set and harden properly, any traffic on it in the first week will significantly damage its structural integrity.
  • Once the concrete is set, try to keep all very heavy vehicles off it if possible.
  • Unlike asphalt, concrete will only need to sealed once every 3 – 5 years. Also unlike asphalt, sealing concrete requires little more than a sealant and a roller brush. Making this a very easy and affordable DIY job.


Gravel Driveways

types of driveways

Because gravel is a rather cheap material, gravel driveways are very popular. Aesthetically, gravel driveways will continue to look good when they’re regularly graded and had the stones topped up.

Driveway Cost

  • When it comes to cost-effective driveways, you can’t beat gravel. In fact, the biggest cost is the initial prepping that should be carried out to make sure that the gravel is level, and will drain well.
  • Once the surface is prepped, a delivery of the gravel itself will cost around $800.00. Many homeowners then choose to spread the stones themselves for a further saving.

Driveway Lifespan

  • Because gravel is made up of many loose stones, it won’t last very long if not regularly topped up. It also has the potential to “leak” into your lawn. With regular top-ups, gravel will last for a very long time. Unlike concrete and asphalt, gravel will never crack or sink.

Driveway Maintenance

  • Unlike other materials, gravel requires little more than extra stones as and when needed. The biggest maintenance task you’ll face will likely be pushing stones back onto your driveway. This can be avoided though if you install a low barrier between your driveway and your yard.


Brick Pavers Driveways

types of driveways

Brick pavers look pretty smart when used in driveway construction, particularly when they are laid in a herringbone or other clever pattern. As one of the more expensive types of driveways, you would expect brick paving to last a long time. Let’s take a look.

Driveway Cost

  • Aesthetically pleasing yes, cheap, no. Brick paved driveways can set you back upwards of $20 per square foot. If you do the job yourself, you can cut back on around half of this price. Depending on how big your driveway is, DIY bricklaying can save you a lot of money initially.
  • A word of caution here though, if you do not do a very solid job of laying the bricks, you may find yourself paying out more than you’ve saved in maintenance and upkeep costs over the years.

Driveway Lifespan

  • The average lifespan of brick paver driveways is around 25 years when properly maintained. This is similar to asphalt but not as long-lasting as concrete.
  • Brick pavers are made of fired clay which does weather with time. If you live in a place with a moderate climate – never too hot and never too cool – your brick pavers may last a bit longer than this.

Driveway Maintenance

  • To help your pavers longevity, make sure that you regularly seal them with a sealant made specifically for this material. Other, generic sealants will actually contribute to paver deterioration. Like concrete, sealing pavers is straightforward and doesn’t need the help of a paving contractor.
  • Other maintenance includes removing weeds from between each paver. This is best done with a sprayer and an anti-weed solution.
  • Your brick paver driveway should also be pressure cleaned once a year or so. This can also be done by yourself if you have a pressure washing system.


Stamped Concrete Driveways

types of driveways

Stamped concrete driveways are growing in popularity. It’s easy to see why; they look smart and they are nearly as long-lasting as concrete slabs.  That said, they’re also one of the more expensive types of driveways.

Driveway Cost

  • Stamped concrete is not cheap. If you’re considering this option you’ll likely have aesthetics in mind. Because of the potentially intricate work involved, the average cost of a stamped concrete driveway runs around the $10 – $15 per square foot mark.
  • On the plus side though, you’ll get the look of pavers without the cost of maintaining all those cracks where pavers join.

Driveway Lifespan

  • The lifespan of stamped concrete is the same as with plain concrete, around 30 years if well maintained.

Driveway Maintenance

  • As with plain concrete, a sealant should be applied every 3 – 5 years. Take care to not let thick sealant gather in the imprinted pattern, this can ruin the look of your driveway.


Green Lawn

types of driveways

Green lawn types of driveways are relatively popular, after all, most of us already have a lawn to drive upon. Whether they are very practical or not is debatable, there’s nothing worse than getting your tires stuck in the mud when all you really want to do is get inside the house after work.

If you still want a green lawn driveway but without all the resulting hassle, you can construct an underlying layer of special pavers and grids to get the look without losing practicality.

Driveway Cost

  • To install a gridded and long-lasting green lawn driveway that takes well to being driven on, you’re looking at around $8 per square foot.
  • Alternatively, consider two tracks made of concrete or pavers for your car’s tires to drive on and leave the middle section as grass.

Driveway Maintenance

  • Just like all the plants in your garden, green driveways will need regular care. This is mostly watering and trimming.
  • Take care with using your lawn mower over a gridded green driveway, a weed whacker may be a better choice.

Best Types of Driveways: How to Choose

To conclude, when you’re choosing a new driveway material, comparing concrete vs. asphalt driveways and others – keep in mind ongoing maintenance needs and costs. You’ll also want to consider the look you want, and of course, how much the initial cost is going to be.

While brick pavers may look very sharp and neat, the continued maintenance costs and labor may be something you want to avoid. For cost effectiveness, gravel wins hands-down, but do you want to drive on loose stones?

Concrete is a very practical choice with little ongoing maintenance costs if it is properly constructed. As an added bonus, stamped concrete can look just like expensive pavers.

Tom Stachler is a licensed real estate broker and former builder working in the Ann Arbor, Saline, Milan, Dexter, Chelsea, Ypsilanti and surrounding Michigan communities.  Check out the available properties and other resources on this website or contact us with any further real estate related questions.  

Wellness - 10 Clever Ways to Organize your Home after Covid

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

As you spend more time at Home it’s important to organize your home in a way that fits the new normal. Organizing your space allows you to spend less time searching for lost items that could easily be found in a clutter free space. From searching through random papers, old mail, or receipts to allowing clutter to pile up on the dining table or at the front door, it’s simply too easy to let clutter take over spaces in your home. Finding solutions to keep clutter at bay and frequently used items handy, can be done in a host of creative ways.

See the best tips for leaving unnecessary stress behind in a short period of time with 10 quick and clever ways to get organized.

1. Add storage below your seating.

Create extra room under a couch, chair, or bench. Choose a repurposed set of the following to add storage:

  • Baskets
  • Bins
  • Totes
  • Crates

2. Create a "drop zone" near your entryway.

Clear a messy entryway by giving common items a home near the door. You can use an end or side table and add containers for storage like:

  • Baskets
  • Fabric Bins
  • Galvanized Tubs
  • Colorful Buckets

3. Organize your coffee table for creative storage.

Add deceptively beautiful multipurpose storage items to your coffee table to create orderly space for remotes and other commonly used items in your living room and den. Great tabletop storage items include:

  • Shadow Boxes
  • Jewelry Boxes
  • Decorative Bowls
  • Wooden and Metallic Trays

4. Create a cleaning caddy.

Cleaning supplies can take up a large amount of space in cabinets and closets. You can condense the space for these items by creating an easy to carry caddy that includes your cleaning supplies like gloves, sponges, bottles and brushes. Great repurposed containers for this include:

  • Galvanized Tubs
  • Colorful Buckets
  • Shower Caddy
  • Plastic Container

5. Corral the junk in the junk drawer by creating zones.

The junk drawer is the home for many miscellaneous and like items. You can create zones of similar or related items to bring order to the chaos of the junk drawer. Repurpose the following to optimize drawer space:

  • Plates
  • Bowls
  • Small Platters
  • Small cups

6. Expand your linen closet space by using every part of the closet.

From towels to sheets to everything in-between, the linen closet can become a clutter magnet. Bring extra organization and save space by adding items to break up the shelves. Try repurposing the following items:

  • Towel rack
  • Book Ends
  • File Sorter
  • Baskets or Bins

7. Corral your cords into a tidy space.

Most modern households have a plethora of devices that often create a tumbleweed of cords. A few items repurposed from the junk drawer can help you organize your cords like:

  • Zip Ties
  • Rubber Bands
  • Hinge Clips
  • Twist Ties

8. Repurpose unconventional items for shelving.

Think vertical for shelf storage. Shelving does not have to be on the wall or in the form of a traditional shelving unit. Consider repurposing these household items to give your room a touch of charm and knick-knacks a new home:

  • Drying Rack
  • Crib Side Rails
  • Ladders
  • Tiered Trays

9. Use office supplies and household items to organize the pantry.

Ready to bring order to the pantry? Surprisingly, office supplies and other household items can find an encore career in the kitchen pantry bringing order to pot lids and soup cans alike. Try repurposing these items:

  • Tension Rods
  • Magazine File or Holder
  • Magazine Rack
  • Curtain Rods

10. Add room in your closet for your accessories with repurposed closet and bathroom storage items.

Hangers are meant for more than clothing and hooks or rods can work beyond the bathroom. You can place sunglasses, scarves, jewelry and more on hangers and hooks. Try repurposing these items in your closet instead of throwing them away:

  • Shower Curtain Hooks
  • Shower Curtain Rings
  • Towel Rods and Racks
  • Extra Hangers

No matter which room you want to tackle, the ten ideas in this article can help you get organized in quick, clever and creative ways. Keep in mind, you don’t have to organize your home in a day. You can conquer clutter as time allows in 30, 15, or even 5-minute increments that work well with your busy schedule.

Some additional Sources

Tom Stachler is a licensed Michigan Broker with over 30 years experience in the helping people find their dream home or condo in and around the Ann Arbor, Dexter, Chelsea, Saline, Milan, Ypsilanti areas.  Note the contact link and other resources for assistance today.  

Offer on your home - Is the highest bid the best bid?

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Is the highest bid .... the best bid?



An offer on your Home moves you one step closer to the finish line in the selling process. And if you’re lucky, you’ll receive multiple offers from a range of bidders. 

The highest bid is the obvious choice, right? Not necessarily. Here’s what to consider before moving forward on an offer:

Focus on your priorities. Take this step early, before any offers roll in. Make a list of what’s most important to you in the sale of your home, like a tight moving deadline or your financial needs. Are there any requests that would make an offer a deal breaker for you? 

Review the contingencies. Now that you’ve established your top priorities, determine your bidders’ conditions for the sale. Common contingencies for potential buyers include a property appraisal and a home inspection. 

Compare earnest money amounts. People who are interested in purchasing your home need to show you that their offer is made in good faith. An earnest money deposit proves the buyer is serious about the transaction. The more money they put into the deposit, the more likely they are to be able to back it up with financing.  

Be aware of unusual requests. A bidder could ask you to make unnecessary repairs or leave all your appliances in the home for them. Their offer might be high, but if something unusual interferes with your top priorities, it might be best to move on to another option. Together, we’ll carefully read over their requests and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Additional Considerations. Ask us about "Appraisal Gap Waivers" and "Escalation Clauses" and why these may or may not be good things to have in the offer you received. 

Are you ready to get a great offer on your home?  Get in touch today or stop by to get started with a market valuation on your property.  

Homes for Families with Children

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

Looking for a Home to fulfill your needs is important, and if you're a parent with children you'll also want to find a home that fulfills the needs of your family. While the number of bedrooms and bathrooms is always important, there are other home features that can either make or break everyday life. If you're in the market for a new home to support your current or growing family, consider the items below as you make your decision.

Bedroom Placement

Sure, the number of bedrooms in a home is important to ensure that your family is comfortable, but the placement of the bedrooms is important too. If you're just starting your family, you may want to find a home where the master bedroom is close to the other rooms to allow quick and easy access to babies or smaller children. If your kids are older, a home with a master bedroom away from the other rooms might be better for privacy for all family members.

Floor Plan

When it comes to a family home, the floor plan of the house is just as important as the number of bedrooms. For families with younger children, having an open floor plan can help parents keep track of a little one easier than a home with many different rooms. Also, if you're looking for a home with a backyard, finding a house that has easy sight-lines into the backyard and multiple access points can make life a lot easier should your child(ren) be playing in the backyard and need assistance.

The Location

While you may already know what area you want to live in, the location of the home is also important. If you have children, finding a home on a quiet street is desirable if you know your kids will play outside. A cul-de-sac is a great option for families. Other good options are small communities, quiet neighborhoods, side streets in urban areas, or homes on a large lot if you have to live on a busy road. Another thing to consider is whether or not the community has sidewalks. Sidewalks are crucial for those with small children and pets as they provide a buffer between you and traffic.

The Lot

The land a home sits on can play a large part in the enjoyment of the property. If you have children, Buying a home with a sloped yard can be troublesome, especially if the home is on an extreme hill. Outdoor activities are limited, and even yard upkeep can be burdensome. A sloped driveway can be an issue if you have to get a baby in and out of the car, or if you have a young child that needs assistance getting into the vehicle. For those with children, a home on a flat lot can be a lot more convenient in the long run.


Amenities are important to all homeowners, parents and couples alike. When it comes to families, sure it's nice to live close to restaurants and grocery stores, but there are other amenities that should be factored in. Finding a home that's within walking distance to a park or outdoor area is extremely nice, especially if you have young children that require a stroller, diaper bag and all the other items that come along with small kids. Another amenity to consider when looking for a home is the proximity to medical offices or a hospital. Kids hurt themselves and get sick often - having an easy commute to the doctor can help calm an already stressful situation.

Finding a home to fulfill all your needs as a family can be tricky. Before you begin your search, write down all the items you know you need and want in a property and share them with your agent. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, [email protected] If you know what you want and you're ready to go, head to my website, to find your new home!


Tom Stachler is a licensed Michigan Broker with over 30 years of experience finding homes, condos and commercial property for real estate buyers in the Ann Arbor, Dexter, Saline, Ypsilanti, Chelsea and their surrounding markets.  Contact us today for all your realty and homes search needs.  

Are you Considering a Post Quarantine Move from you Home?

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team
Has quarantine forced you to consider a split from your Home?
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Has spending more time at home lately had you reconsidering your space? The quirks you lived with just a few months ago might not be so easy to dismiss when you're stuck with them all day, every day. Here's how to tell if your relationship with your house can recover or if it's time to move on.

You have no appetite for a renovation
Your home might be a good candidate for a makeover, but if the thought of living in a dusty construction zone with contractors coming and going is unbearable to you, then it's time to start over. There's no shame in foregoing renovations for something move-in ready. After all, there will be plenty of eager DIYers happy to make you an offer.

You're not crazy about your neighborhood
You know what they say: location, location, location. We'll put up with a lot for our home to be in a nice spot, close to work and in a good school district. But maybe that spot doesn't work for you anymore. Do schools still matter or are your kids older now? Are you working from home permanently and your commute is no longer a factor? When you're no longer tied to a specific neighborhood, the possibilities are endless.

You'll want to call someone for this one

It's just too small
If the quarantine has made your small space feel even more crowded, or you need to make space for a new home office (or two), it might be time to upgrade.

It's too old
We all love a heritage home. The architecture! The charm! The 100-year-old... everything. You may have been ready for the sweat equity when you moved in, but when paired with everyday life, 'this old house' can feel more like 'this new nightmare.'

If the emotional and financial toll of living in a home that is just too much of a project is getting to you, consider shopping for a new one. A new construction home might not give you the same character, but you will get a house that's brand new in every way and a warranty to boot.
The Mortgage Business Is Alive, Well, and Online
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With some segments of the economy tentatively reopening, many who are Buying a home or refinancing an existing mortgage may be wondering how and where to get financing. The good news is, the loan process hasn't changed much, and it can all be done online.

While some loan officers still prefer to meet their clients in person, more and more mortgage professionals are equipped to meet virtually and communicate by phone and video conference. Loan officers know many borrowers can't take off work during the day in order to meet, so they tend to work on-demand, around their client's schedules.

The rest can be done remotely as well. Clients can submit loan applications online, which are then reviewed at the mortgage office. The loan is then submitted to an online automated underwriting system, or AUS. The AUS then provides a list of all the items needed for a final approval.

Loan officers get their rates online. They order third party services like credit reports and appraisals online. For years, the mortgage industry has been moving toward a remote-ready model, so for many professionals in the sector this isn't a ‘new' normal. Just normal.

For those currently in the market for a loan, there's no need to wait. The mortgage industry is alive and well. And online here.

Michigan Shelter in Place Order Partially Lifting.

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team
Governor Whitmer Partially Lifts Stay-At-Home Order
After ten weeks of a statewide lockdown, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed Executive Order 2020-110, partially lifting Michigan’s coronavirus stay-at-home order.  Pursuant to the new Executive Order, which expressly provides that any work capable of being performed remotely must continue to be performed remotely, the following businesses and activities may resume:  
Effective immediately
  • Outdoor social gatherings and events so long as people maintain six feet of distance from one another and the assemblage consists of no more than 100 people. Michigan residents may gather indoors but the group must not exceed 10 people and all gatherers must continue to wear face coverings when in enclosed public spaces. 
  • Outdoors parks and recreation facilities, but only to the extent social distancing can be maintained. 
  • Office work and home services, such as housecleaning, that is not capable of being performed remotely. 
  • In-person services at places of religious worship.  
Beginning Thursday, June 4
  • Retail stores, but capacity must be limited to 50%.
Effective Monday, June 8
  • Indoor and outdoor dining rooms at restaurants, food courts, cafes, bars and clubs, but capacity must be limited to 50% of normal seating, groups must be kept at least six feet apart, employees must wear face coverings, and rigorous disinfection protocols must be followed.
  • Day camps for children, libraries, museums and public swimming pools (outdoor swimming pools only), but capacity must be limited to 50%. 
All businesses that reopen are subject to robust safety measures outlined in Executive Order 2020-97. Among the directives in that Executive Order are: developing a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, designating one or more worksite supervisors to monitor the COVID-19 control strategies, providing COVID-19 training to workers, conducting a daily self-screening protocol, and maintain social distancing at least six feet apart. 
  • Facilities offering “non-essential” personal care services, such as hair, nail, tattoo, piercing, tanning, massage and spa services. 
  • Indoor theaters, cinemas, performance venues, casinos, amusement parks, arcades, bingo halls, bowling alleys, indoor climbing facilities, indoor dance areas, skating rinks, trampoline parks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. 
  • Indoor gyms, recreation centers, sports facilities, and exercise studios (outdoor classes, practices, training sessions or games provided that coaches, spectators and participants maintain six feet of social distancing). 

SAFE Showing Real Estate Procedures that we Suggest

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team
The real estate industry right now is just like flying an airplane and building it at the same time. Can you picture how that looks for the passengers? The worry? The frantic study of the blueprints? The hunt for the right tools? The scrambling to get the parts to fit together? That is our new real estate reality, where we are recreating the way our entire industry does business. 

We are rewriting all the rules and learning all these new ways of doing things so that we can continue to operate, even in the midst of this health crisis.

The biggest challenge that we have faced during this COVID-19 pandemic in the real estate industry is how to safely show homes to potential buyers without risking the health of everyone involved. Agents everywhere have been creating their own showing procedures and here are our SAFE practices

So, what does S.A.F.E. Showing mean, exactly? Let me explain it to you.

  • S  Sanitizing the Home after every showing. Not only do you keep the sanitizing wipes handy, but scheduling cleaners specifically to sanitize the whole house for COVID-19 after all the showings are done will keep the house free of the virus.
  • A – Airways (nose and mouth) covered with masks. If a buyer doesn’t have one already, one will be provided.
  • F – Footwear removed/ wear disposable slippers over shoes. One of the biggest offenders when it comes to spreading the virus has been tracking it all over on the bottoms of shoes. The droplets land on the floor and people unknowingly walk through it, then leave a trail of particles in their path. This is why we ask that people remove their shoes or where booties through the house and wear masks.
  • E – Eyes Only. There will be a no-touch policy in place, and sterile nitrile gloves can be provided for everyone coming into the home. I would recommend arriving early so that all doors and closet doors can be opened for viewing, and all lights turned on so that no light switches or doorknobs are touched. It is vital for everyone to keep their hands to themselves until the threat of the virus is gone.

Tom Stachler is a licensed real estate broker working in the Ann Arbor, Saline, Dexter, Chelsea, Ypsilanti and Milan realty market marketing homes, condos and commercial listings for sale.  Looking to put your home, house or land up for sale.  Contact us today.  

20 Ways to Save Money and Stretch Your Home Budget

by Tom Stachler,ABR,CDPE - Group One Realty Team

20 Ways to Save Money and Stretch Your Household Budget

These days, it seems like everyone’s looking for ways to cut costs and stretch their income further. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce your household expenses without making radical changes to your standard of living. When combined, these small adjustments can add up to significant savings each month. Here are 20 things you can start doing today to lower your bills, secure better deals, and begin working toward your financial goals.

1. Refinance Your Mortgage - For prime borrowers, mortgage rates are at or near historic lows. Depending on your current mortgage rate and the terms you choose, refinancing could save you a sizable amount on your monthly payments. There are fees and closing costs associated with refinancing, so you’ll need to talk to your lender to find out if refinancing is a good option for you.

2. Evaluate Your Insurance Policies - If it’s been a while since you priced Home or auto insurance, it may be worthwhile to do some comparison shopping. Get quotes from at least three insurers or independent agents. Try bundling your policies to see if there’s a discount. And inquire about raising your deductible, which should lower your premium. 1

3. Bundle Cable, Phone, and Internet - You can also save money by bundling your cable, phone, and internet services together. Shop around to see who is willing to give you the best deal. If switching is too much of a hassle, ask your current provider to match or beat their competitor’s offer.

4. Better Yet, Cut the Cord on Cable - In many cases, you can save even more if you cancel your cable subscription altogether. An antenna should give you access to the major stations, and many of your favorite shows are probably available on-demand through a less expensive streaming service subscription.

5. Revisit Your Wireless Plan - You can often save by switching from a big brand to an independent, low-cost carrier. If that’s not feasible, ask your current provider for a better deal or consider downgrading to a cheaper plan.

6. Adjust Your Thermostat - Turning your thermostat up or down a few degrees can have a noticeable impact on your monthly heating and cooling costs. To maximize efficiency, change your filters regularly, and make sure your windows and doors are well insulated.

7. Use Less Hot Water - After heating and cooling, hot water accounts for the second largest energy expense in most homes. 2 To cut back, repair any leaks or dripping faucets, install low-flow fixtures, only run your dishwasher when full, and wash clothes in cold water when possible.

8. Lower Overall Water Consumption - To decrease your water usage, take shorter showers, and turn off the sink while you brush your teeth and wash your hands. If you don’t have a low-flow toilet, retrofit your current one with a toilet tank bank or fill cycle diverter. And irrigate your lawn in the morning or evening to minimize evaporation. 3

9. Conserve Electricity - Save electricity by shutting off your computer at night and installing energy-efficient LED light bulbs. You can minimize standby or “vampire” power drain by utilizing power strips and unplugging idle appliances. 4

10. Purchase a Home Warranty - While there is an upfront cost, a home warranty can provide some protection and peace of mind when it comes to unexpected home repair costs. Most plans provide coverage for major systems (like electrical, plumbing, and HVAC) and appliances (such as your dishwasher, stove, or refrigerator).

11. Outsource Less - From lawn care to grocery shopping to minor home repairs, we pay people to do a lot of things our parents and grandparents did themselves. To save money, try cutting back on the frequency of these services or taking some of them on yourself.

12. Prepare Your Own Meals - It costs nearly five times more to have a meal delivered than it does to cook it at home. 5 And home cooking doesn’t just save money; it’s healthier, cuts down on calorie consumption, and can offer a fun activity for families to do together.

13. Plan Your Menu in Advance - Meal planning is deciding before you shop what you and your family will eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It can help you lower your overall food bill, eliminate waste, and minimize impulse purchases. When possible, buy produce that is in season, and utilize nutrient-rich but inexpensive protein sources like eggs, beans, ground turkey, and canned tuna.

14. Plant a Garden - You can save even more on produce by growing it yourself. If you have space in your yard, start-up costs are relatively minimal. Gardening can be a rewarding and enjoyable (not to mention delicious) hobby for the whole family. And it could save you around $600 per year at the grocery store! 6

15. Review Memberships and Subscriptions - Are you paying for services and subscriptions you no longer need, want, or can utilize? Determine if there are any that you should suspend or cancel.

16. Give Homemade Gifts - Who wouldn’t appreciate a scratch birthday cake or tin of cookies? And if you enjoy crafting, Pinterest and Instagram are full of inspiring ideas. Show your recipient how much you care with a homemade gift from the heart.

17. Minimize Your Debt Payments - The best way to reduce a debt payment is to pay down the balance. But if that’s not an option right now, try to negotiate a better interest rate. If you have a good credit score, you may be able to qualify for a balance transfer to a 0% or low-interest rate credit card. Keep in mind, the rate may expire after a certain period—so be sure to read the fine print.

18. Get a Cash-back Credit Card - If you regularly pay your credit card balance in full, a cash-back credit card can be a good way to earn a little money back each month. However, they often come with high-interest rates and fees if you carry a balance. Commit to only using it for purchases you can afford.

19. Ask for Deals and Discounts - It may feel awkward at first, but becoming a master haggler can save you a lot of money. Many companies are willing to negotiate under the right circumstances. Always inquire about special promotions or incentives. See if they are able to price match (or beat) their competitors. And if an item is slightly defective or nearing its expiration date, ask for a discount.

20. Track Your Household Budget - One of the most effective ways to reduce household expenses is to set a budget—and stick to it. A budget can help you see where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back. By setting reasonable limits, you’ll be able to reach your financial goals faster. WE’RE HERE TO HELP We would love to help you meet your financial goals. Whether you want to refinance your mortgage, save up for a down payment, or simply find lower-cost alternatives for home repairs, maintenance, or utilities, we are happy to provide our insights and referrals. And if you have plans to buy or sell a home this year, we can discuss the steps you should be taking to financially prepare. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation! The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be financial advice. Consult a financial professional for advice regarding your individual needs.


1. Insurance Information Institute -

2. Department of Energy -

3. Money Crashers -

4. Harvard University -

5. Forbes - 6. Money - 

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